Chapter 29 Nothing but chaos

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( I just want to let everyone on my other account thank you for 1.04 thousand views you have no idea how happy I am to have that many people reading my story , also I know this story will be ending soon but I am going to make a sqeuel so don't worry and another thing I want to give a shout out to my awesome friend amanda who's been helping me out with this story I love her to death and I'm glad she's been here all the way through this story .
Never the less let the chapter begin ) * stay creepy my friends *
( picture in media is ange )

Lost Silvers pov -

" what do you mean ange is gone , how are you even alive ?" Amanda asked while looking at me . " a girl helped me get back and what I mean is when ange was on her last kill I went up to her and after the reunion she fell to the floor and told me to tell y'all that things have changed while I was gone and that zalgo is planning something big ". I explained while walking over to the bed . " damn it , did you see anything else before she disappered ". Amanda asked while trying to think . " no , she pushed me out the window with her powers before anything else could happen ". I said with disappointment in my voice . " powers , ange doesn't have powers she didn't even finish her proxy training since we've been here so how does she ....". Amanda said while her eyes widened . " did ange mention anything about a prohecy or a daughter ". Amanda asked while walking up to me .
" no but I did hear a voice start talking about a prohecy before angelina vanished ". I said feeling more concered by the second .
" shit , shit, shit , go get slender now hurry its important ". Amanda said while pushing me towards the door . I nodded and ran off to find slender .

Amandas pov
How did I not realize the signs sooner , ange slamming me into the wall , ange always going missing , her eyes glowing whenever I would try to talk to her , I've been so occupied trying not to kill julianna and masky that I missed all of them . I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice jeff walk into the room .
" Hey , amanda you okay , your looking a little pale ". Jeff asked while sounding concerned . I snapped out of my thoughts and played off a fake smile . " yea I'm fine I was trying to figure out when ange is coming back ". I said while looming at jeff .
" oh don't worry she just needs time to cool down ". Jeff reasurred me as he hugged me . I hated keeping things from him but jeff already has a lot of stuff on his mind especailly since sallys gone so I didn't want him worrying to much . " yea I know but she just lost lost silver and I'm scared she's going to do something stupid ". I said while hugging back . " I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to you or my friends y'all are my family ". I said while starting to tear up . Jeff slightly pushed me away so that he could see my face . " your not going to lose me , I'm not going anywhere I'm staying right here ". Jeff said while kissing my forehead . " your so chessy you know that ". I said while laughing . " I may be chessy but I'm still good looking I can get any girl I want just by my looks ". Jeff said while posing trying to show off his pretend muscles . " yea whatever you say snow white ". I said with a smirk . " I'm not that white ". Jeff remarked .
" have you looked in a mirror you look like you haven't seen the light in days ". I said with a smile . " whatever , I'll see ya later slender wants me to take smile dog out before it gets dark ". Jeff said while giving me a quick kiss on the lips . I watched as jeff walked downstairs as soon as he was out of my sight I ran to annas room to explain the situation .
I knocked on annas door but no one answered, so I decided to just go in . As I walked in I saw that anna was asleep with Lj hugging her . I smiled and tried not to fangirl as I looked at them .
I would've just shaken anna awake but I decided to do something else . " WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKERS THERES NO TIME FOR SLEEP THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE ". I yelled while trying not to laugh .
As soon as I said fire anna and lj instantly woke up and fell to the floor . I couldn't contain my laugh so when they saw me I was on the floor laughing like a manica . " what the hell amanda we were sleeping ". Anna said while glareing at me . I smiled and started to help both Lj and anna up . " sorry it was payback for that time when you woke me up by saying juliannas name so ha ". I said with a smirk . " oh yea I need to talk to anna privately so lj if you could leave for a bit ". I explanied while pointing to the door .
" what why do I have to go why can't I stay ". Lj asked while crossing his arms . " because I fucking said so now go before I throw you out the window ". I said while getting angry .
I saw that lj's eyes widened but he nodded and left closing the door on the way out . " what did you need to talk too me about ". Anna asked while sitting on the bed . " ange is gone , and I don't think she's coming back well at least not as herself ". I said while looking down . I heard the wood creak as anna got up .
" wait , how do you know ange is missing and what do you mean she's not coming back as herself ". Anna said while looking at me . " ok don't freak but lost silver is alive , and he saw ange get taken while she was on her killing spree ". I said while trying to calm anna done . " that's impossible lost silver is dead he got shot in the head ". Anna said while looking at me . " I know but lost silver said a friend of his helped him out now he's back ". I explained while sitting on the floor . " what else did he tell you about ange ". Anna asked while sitting with me . " well he just saw ange fall to the floor and that her hip was glowing with numbers on them like they were counting down something ". I explained to anna .
" he didn't see anything else , did he see the person who took her ". Anna asked with concern in her voice . " that's the thing ange pushed lost silver out with her powers but like I told him she doesn't have any powers yet because she didn't complete her proxy training ". I said while messing with my black jacket .
" shit , what else did you find out ". Anna asked with curiousity .
" well do you remeber that night when ange dyed but then she came back , well before she died ange kept muttering words like prohecy , zalgo , and daughter ". I said while looking at anna .
" lost silver also heard the same thing when ange disappeared ". I explained to anna . " so it might be a concidence that doesn't mean anything ". Anna said while starting to get unerved .
" Anna this isn't a concidence , ange always getting taken, her powers , her slamming me against the wall when lost died , this isn't right for me to say but I think angelina is zalgos daughter ". I said hesitantly . Annas eyes widened as I mentioned his name but I had to . " does anyone else know about ange being taken or that lost is alive ". Anna asked while looking at the ground .
" no one knows that ange is taken , and they don't know that lost silver is alive either ". I explained while getting up .
Before I could say anything else I heard the door start to open .
I turned around only to see ben standing there . " jesus , ben don't do that you nearly scared me half to death ". I said while walking up to him . " so benny what do you need ". Anna said while standing next to me . " slender wants you and anna both downstairs he said its very important ". Ben said while pulling us downstairs . As we walked downstairs I saw that everyone that was a creepypasta sitting in the living room waiting for us .
I looked for jeff and saw that there was an empty seat next to him so I decided to sit with him , the same with anna and Lj .
Everyone waited for a bit till everyone was here then slender came in and was carrying a book that was red and had the proxy sign on the cover . (A/n remeber the book from when ange went into maskys room that one ) " as you all know that every four years a new proxy is chosen to defend humanity and deafeat zalgo by destroying what holds him down here , those proxys are anna , amanda ". Slender explained as we listened .
He didn't mention ange I'm sure he knows by now what ange is .
" one thing that did occur that I wished had never happened is that one of our own proxys angelina was taken by zalgo . There is a prohecy that states that zalgo does have a daughter but was taken from him and sent to a facility where she may train and be experimented on as she grew up . Zalgo was never powerful enough to come above ground to recalim his daughter so he let her grow up with humans . As the prohecy continued and as the daughter grew older she started seeing changes in her apperance , and on her fifteenth birthday the prohecy says that the daughter of zalgo will have a taste of death but will be given a second chance but with a price .
On her right hip will be stained with numbers counting down till her last day of her sanity . It is said that on the day of the full transformation zalgo will reclaim his daughter . The one thing I hoped would never happen to one of our proxys is that the chosen proxys will have to fight and kill the daughter of zalgo to send him back to the underworld ". Slender said while closing the book .
My eyes widened as I heard the last sentence .
I looked over at anna and saw that she was crying . " but there's got to be another way to save ange ". Lost silver said while standing up . " if there was wouldn't I have done something already
there's no way that I know of to save ange I'm sorry lost silver ". Slender said while looking down .
" this can't be happening ange can't be zalgos daughter its impossible ange was created in a labortory she doesn't have parents ". Anna said while wipping her tears .
" Anna that's enough there's no way to save ange , were just going to have to deal with it she's zalgos now there's nothing we can do about it ". I said while looking at anna .
" Amanda are you serious , angelina is our friend your really going to go through killing her instead of trying to save her ". Anna said still shocked from my response .
" You think I want to kill ange , no I don't but its the only thing we have right now ". I said while getting annoyed .
I stood up not wanting to discuss the topic when I heard a crash come from behind . " AMANDA GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW ". anna yelled while trying to get up . I quickly turned around to see what anna was talking about and what I saw was a reddish white tentacle coming straight at me . I didn't have time to react so I closed my eyes waiting for the blow but it never came . I opened my eyes to see ben standing in front of me with the tentacle through his stomach . Ben took the hit for me . I thought to myself .
Before I could say anything the tentacle retracted and disappered.
As the tentacle disappered ben fell to the floor blood staining his green shirt . I felt my legs give out as I looked at him. I crawled over to him and noticed that he was still concious .
" b-ben why did you take the hit for me ". I asked while tearing up. " I c-couldn't , let j-jeffs g-girlfriend d-die on u-us n-now c-could w-we . Ben said while looking at me . I felt tears start to spill as I held bens hand . " d-don't cry , y-you have to be tough for them your a proxy ". Ben said while touching my cheek .
" shut up ben stop talking like your going to die ". I said while looking at him . " you k-know I h-heard this q-qoute once i-it reminded m-me o-of y-you it g-goes like t-this , its h-hard to f-forget s-someone w-who g-gave you s-so m-much to r-remember". Ben said while a tear slipped down his cheek .
I couldn't hold back my sobs as he kept talking he risked his life for me and now he's dying because of it .
" t-thank y-you for letting m-me f-find love again amanda n-now I can die h-happy ". Ben said with a smile .
" your not dying ben , theres no way in hell your dying now ". I said while looking at him . " ANNA GO GET THE MED KIT HURRY , SLENDER DO SOMETHING ". I yelled while looking at them .
" amanda there's nothing I can do the tentacle ruptured his main organs there to badly damaged ". Slender said while examing ben . " a-amanda i-its o-okay you have t-to be s-strong f-for them and m-me ". Ben said as his breathing started to slow down .
" no ben don't you dare die please we need you , jeff , lj , anna , everyone does even me ". I said while hugging him .
" I j-just need to t-tell you s-something b-before I g-go its that I l-lo........... . I felt his whole body go limp as his eyes faded of there black and red color . His hand that I was holding went cold and limp . " b-ben , ben wake up this isn't funny come on ". I said while shaking him . " amanda stop bens gone ". Hoodie said while touching my shoulder . " don't touch me , he's not dead he's just sleeping yea that's it he's sleeping he'll wake up and everything will be okay ". I said while looking down at ben .
" ben its time to wake up come on wake up already ". I said in between sobs . " amanda that's enough stop ". Jeff said while pulling me away from bens body . " No , he's not dead he's still alive , just look ". I said while struggling to get out of jeffs grip .
Before I could say anything I felt jeffs arms embrace me .
" please stop this isn't you , like ben said you have to be strong not only for us but for him and me you got that ". Jeff said while hugging me tighter . I mumbled an okay and started to hug back .
Whoever that was that killed ben is going to pay I don't care who I have to kill or who gets in my way there going straight down to hell when I'm done with them .

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