Chapter 30

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Anges pov

" come on ange are you going to eat or not ". My friend said while looking down at the boy . " you know I don't eat childern its not right especially if there younger then fourteen . " I said while looking at the blacked haired boy . " fine if your not going to eat him then I will ". My friend said while opening the screened window . " Nathan Don't ". I said while grabbing his wrist .
" ange your father needs this last soul for his finale transformation ". Nathan said while looking at me . " nathan I'm begging you not this one please ". I said with pleading eyes .
Nathan looked down and sighed as he closed the window .
" thank you ". I said while hugging him . " yea , yea, your dads going to be pissed ". Nathan said while hugging back . " I don't care , he won't hurt you or me just because I didn't want to kill he's not that cruel ". I said while looking at nathan .
" whatever you say ange but we still need a soul to give to your father ". Nathan said while letting me go . " mmmmmm what about an adult soul its more intelligent and has gone through more problems than a child has ". I suggested . " alright then an adult it is let's go to the next house ". Nathan said while helping me up . Before anything else could happen I started to hear a ringing sound in my ear . The ringing got louder as it continued before I knew what was happening the ringing turned into all out screaming and instantly pain errupted in my head . The pain was unbearable it felt like my head was splitting open .
I screamed in pain as the sound grew louder before I knew it I was on the ground . I tried covering my ears to block out the sound but my action was useless . I looked around trying to see where the sound was coming from but I saw no one . I looked over to my side and saw that nathan was also trying to cover his hears . All of a sudden the screaming stopped , everything went silent . " huh slender was right it does work on demons ". A voice started to say . I looked up and saw a girl with dark black hair walking across the roof . " Who the hell are you ". I asked while trying to get up . " that's none of your business demon what I want to know is why are you in my part of town ". The girl asked while looking at nathan . I didn't even notice that nathan was standing by me until I felt his hand on my shoulder .
" oh look two love birds you acutally remind me of these two people that I knew ". The girl said while looking down .
" what were there names ". I asked out of curiosity .
" the guys name was lost silver and the girls name was angelina but we called her ange she disappeared yesterday ". The girl explained while looking at us . " wait you said you called her ange , my names ange ". I said while steppimg back .
The girls eyes widened as I told her my name . I don't remeber her I don't know a boy named lost silver . Maybe its just a coincedence . " a-ange , wait do you have a dad ". The girl asked while stepping closer to me . I nodded my head and noticed that her hands clentched up . " I guess you really are zalgos daughter damn it ". The girl said while pulling out a whistle .
" wait how do you know my father ". I asked . " of course he would erase your memory , he doesn't want you to remember us when we fight ". The girl mummbled while stepping closer .
Before I could ask anything else the dark haired girl blew on the whistle and the pain came back as I fell to the floor .
" STOP PLEASE MAKE IT STOP ". I screamed while releasing my kagune . I used my kagune to grab the girls leg but she jumped back before I could grab her . " tsk tsk tsk , you should know better ange never to attack someone when your injured or well at least unable to fight ". The girl said while grabbing my arm .
The ringing finally stopped but I saw that we were at the edge of the roof . I tried to punch the girl but she caught my arm amd pushed me off the roof . As I fell I noticed that nathan had grabbed the girl with his kagune and had stopped me from falling .
I smiled and climbed back on top and saw that the girl was struggling to get loose . After realizing escape was fetile the girl looked up at nathans kagune and her eyes were instantly filled with anger and hatred . "Your The One Who Killed Ben ". The girl exclaimed while struggling more . I looked over at nathan and saw that his eyes widened at the statement .
" we needed two souls one human and one non-human , so I decided to pay a visit to the creepypastas and I might of killed one of there own people ". Nathan explained while looking down .
" IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME WHO WAS SUPPOSE TO DIE , BUT HE TOOK THE HIT NOW HES GONE BECAUSE OF YOU ". the girl yelled while pulling out a knife . The girl raised the knife and plunged it into nathans kagune . As the blade made contact with nathans kagune he screamed out in pain .
I felt my eyes start to turn as I saw nathan in pain .
I raised my own kagune and grabbed a hold of the girls leg and through her body against a near by tree . I heard the girl scream in pain as her body made contact with the tree . I was about to go after her but then nathan grabbed my hand .
" don't the sun is coming up we have to go ". Nathan said while holding my hand . " grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Fine let's go ". I said while staring down the girl while she was trying to get up . I jumped down from the house and started walking up to the dark haired girl .
" Consider This A Warning ever hurt my family again and I'll rip your insides out ". I said while stabbing her shoulder with my kagune . The girl screamed in pain as my kagune made contact with her skin. I jumped back up onto the house and slipped into the night as if nothing happened .

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