Chapter 28 The End Is Near ...

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( the art doesn't belong to me the picture belongs to my friend amanda )

Amandas pov

Its been a month since ange has come out of her room . I can still hear her screams whenever I pass by her room .

Flash back *
" I heard a gun shot what happened ". I said while running down stairs . I looked around the room and saw that ben and jeff were tieing up julianna and masky . I looked over at ange and saw that she was talking to herself her eyes were lost of color they didn't have her usual happieness in them . " ange are you okay do you know what happened ". I asked while slowly walking up to her . As I walked up to her I started to notice that there was blood splattered on the floor . I looked more closely at where the blood was coming from and saw that it was coming from the couch .
I slowly looked up and saw lost silver laying on the couch with his head cocked back while a bullet hole was visible on his head . My eyes widen and I ran towards ange but before I could touch her , I felt my body get thrown to the wall .
I gasped for air as I slid down . " damn that hurt ". I said while looking up . As I looked up I saw ange but what caught my eye was her eye color changed instead of the light brown eyes they were replaced with nothing but white . " oh look poor little angie is angry because her useless boyfriend is dead boo hoo ". Julianna said with a smirk . " julianna shut the fuck up already no one needs to hear your bitch ass talking ". I said while getting up .
" what its true he was going to die anyways might as well kill him now then having to deal with it later ". Julianna said while looking at ange . Before anyone could do anything ange grabbed julianna and slammed her body against the floor . " Ange that's enough think about lost he wouldn't have wanted you to do this ". I said while grabbing her arm . " he would have wanted me dead , I let him die its all my fault ". Ange said while letting go of julianna and walking upstairs .
*flashback over*

The only reason why julianna and masky are still alive is because slender thinks zalgo had something to do with this but we all know its not true but we chose to believe it anyways .
I looked over at my alarm clock and saw that it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon . I groaned in annoyance as I started to get up .
I walked over to my closet and started to take out my clothes when I started to hear screaming . I wasn't phased by the screaming but I knew who it belonged to . I quickly got changed into my black skinny jeans and my pierce the viel shirt and walked out of my room. As I walked out I heard anges screams get louder as I walked up to her door . Before I could open the door I started to hear another voice talking from inside anges room .
" your nothing but a patheic little girl you deserve to die no one even cares about you ". The voice started saying . I felt my blood start to boil at the words they were saying . Out of anger I burst through the door and pulled out my knife . When I looked up I saw that julianna was standing there holding angelina against the wall . " you son of a bitch ". I said while grabbing julianna . As I grabbed her I pushed her up against the wall and pushed my knife against her throat . " you have no fucking business telling ange that stuff , you have no fucking idea what she's been through and your telling her she's useless and patheic ". I said with anger staining my words . " hahaha does it look like I care what you say and what I do that's right no so back the hell up ". Julianna said while trying to kick my stomach . In mid swing I grabbed her leg and used my other hand to grab her shirt , once I got a hold of her shirt I slammed her body against the floor . I grabbed my knife and stabbed her in the leg so she couldn't move . I heard julianna scream in pain as I stabbed her . " no one and I mean no one messes with my friends ever , yea I get ange isn't my blood sister but she's my family and if you ever tell her she's useless again I'll make sure you never walk again got that ". I said while stabbing her shoulder . I heard julianna scream in pain as my blade made contact with her skin . I pulled julianna up and tossed her out the door making sure she hit her shoulder on the wall .
I closed the door and looked over at angelina and saw that she was looking at me . " did you really mean what you said about us being family ". Ange said while struggleing to get up . I smiled and walked over to ange to help her get up . " of course I did I wouldn't lie about that that's a fake friend move and I'm not fake ". I said with a smirk . Ange laughed at my comment but her laughter soon turned into crying . " hey hey hey don't cry I know it hurts ". I said while hugging ange . I felt ange tense up but she soon relaxed and hugged back . " if you knew how I felt you would've gone to lost silvers funeral ". Angelina said pushing me away . It took me a few seconds to realize what had happened .
" ange you know why we weren't at the funeral slender made us search for any signs of zalgo being here ". I said while stepping towards her . " don't come near me I know your trying to help but I need to face this alone I'm going out killing don't follow me ". Ange said while walking past me .
I couldnt move ,my body felt numb . It felt like I was glued to the floor . I don't know how long I was standing there but it was long enough for jeff to come searching for me . " amanda hello amanda you in there what happened , why are you covered in blood , why did you steal my pickel ". Jeff asked while pulling me to the bed .
I looked over at jeff and hugged him . I didn't know why but I needed someone right now and that person was jeff . " hey amamda what happened ?" Jeff asked while hugging me back .
I couldn't speak before I could do anything I burst into tears .

Angelinas pov
" please don't hurt me I have a family I need to take care of ". The girl said while backing up into the corner . " sorry love but I can't leave any witnesses so tough luck ". I said while glareing at her .
Her eyes widen in fear as I grabbed her throat . I pulled out my knife and stabbed her right in her stomach . The girl started to scream but I shut her up by snapping her neck .
" that's better just silence ". I said while wiping my blood splattered knife on her clothes . I smiled and started walking towards the window when I saw a tall figure standing in the middle of the room. I jumped back and stood in my fighting stance as I stared down the stranger . " who are you and what do you want ". I asked with curiousity . " ange you don't remember me its only been a month I thought you loved me ". The stranger said while walking up to me . My eyes widen at the remark . " how can you , but you were , Ls ". I said while dropping my knife . I felt my legs give out as he came closer . " I've missed you so much I thought I would never see you again ". Lost silver said while kneeling down and hugging me . I felt tears start to fall as I felt his touch .
" lost I'm so sorry I never meant for you to die its all my fault I'm sorry I couldn't save you ". I cried as I hugged him back .
" its ok angelina it wasnt your fault you tried to protect me and it didn't work out that's fine I'm here now ". Lost said while kissing my head . " how are you even here ". I asked while looking at him . " well its a long story , I'll tell you when we get to the mansion ". Lost silver said while helping me up . I smiled at the thought of lost being home . Before I could even took a step , the burning sensation in my hip started . " damn it not again ". I said while holding my hip . As I took a step foward the burning got worse so I decided to just stand still. " ange are you okay what's wrong ?" Lost silver asked while walking towards me . " No stay back lost I don't want to hurt you ". I said while stepping back . I felt my eyes starting to change as the burning sensation worsened . " ange I need to know what's wrong talk to me please ". Lost silver pleaded as he looked at me. I couldn't think straight , everything kept spinning like I was on a mary-go round . Before I could say anything I felt my legs give out and next thing I know I was on the floor .
" Lost listen closely , when you were gone t-things changed , r-right now you need to go back to the mansion and tell everyone that Z-zalgo is planning s-something bigger than we've ever imagined ". I explained .
" what do you mean something big , what happened while I was gone ". Lost asked while trying to process the situation .
" Damn it Lost Just Go Now ". I yelled while starting to get angry .
" IM NOT LEAVING YOU NOT AGAIN ". Lost yelled back .
I looked down and saw that the floor around me was staring to break as the burning continued .
Before lost could speak I used the powers that I taught myself to push lost silver out the window .
I looked down and saw that both my arms and legs were glowing red as the transformation started . " The Prophecy will be fullfilled even if it means taking YOUR OWN LIFE ". The voice said while getting angerier . I felt my vision start to blurr as the transformation was being completed .
" i-it's a-all u-up t-to y-you n-now ...... A-anna and A-amanda ". I said with my last remaining breath .

Two Days Later ......

" your mind and body belongs to me , you fight only for chaos nothing else do you understand me , my dear daughter ".

As I looked up I felt his red flaming eyes burn through me as I looked up .

" yes , I understand my dear father ........ Zalgo "

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