Chapter 33

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( were almost there to the grand finale lahar get started shall we * stay creepy my lovelies )

Amandas pov
Boom boom crash ( idk how thunder sounds )

I woke to the sound of rain pattering against the window and the sound of thunder filling the skies .
" mmm amanda what's wrong ". Jeff asked while taking his sleeping mask off . " nothing I just got a weird feeling I'm fine don't worry ". I said while laying back down . As soon as jeff put on his sleeping mask his slight snores filled the room . I unwrapped his arms from my waist and got up to see if the bad feeling would go away . As I got up I walked up to the door and as I was about to open the door along came the sound of thunder and along with it a scream that I knew belonged to . My heart stopped for a quick second till I pulled out my knife and ran out the door into the hallway . " ben I need you now hurry ". I whispered as I moved towards annas room . As I said bens name the key shaped necklace that slender gave me started to glow as a thick black mist came out of it making a ouline if ben's body , till ben was standing in front of me kneeling . " ben get up , I need you to take out any enemy that is in annas room got that ". I whispered while looking at ben . I watched him nod in agreement and before I could say anything else he disappeared and I watched his shadow go under annas door and waited for the signal . I heard a few screams come from her room but it was blocked out by the sound of the rain hitting the house and the sound of thunder outside . As soon as the thunder was over the door to annas room slowly opened . The only things that I saw when I walked in was blood splattered every where as I saw little body pieces were speard out across the room . I wasn't phased by the scene but when I came across something that made my breath hitch . As I turned to the bed was when I saw annas body layed acoss the bed with her blood seeping out of her chest . There were claw marks on the walls as her bed covers were filled with blood . I felt my breath hitch as I looked at the scene .
" o-oh m-my g-god ". I said while tears threatened to fall . I walked up to annas body and noticed that the hole in her chest was where her heart should of been I looked inside and saw that her heart was missing . As I looked closer I noticed that words were craved into her throat . My eyes widened in fear as I ran out of the room .
I felt the tears spill on my face as I ran to my room . I swung the door open as I looked over to the bed side and saw that a shadowy figure was looming over jeff with its razor sharp claws about to pierce his skin . " BEN HELP I NEED YOU KILL THAT SHADOW NOW I WANT IT DEAD WITH NOTHING LEFT OF IT ". I yelled while sliding to the ground . I felt my necklace move as ben poped out of the jewelry and kicked the shadow through the wall .
As soon as ben was gone jeff woke up instantly and saw my tear stained face and came rushing to my aid .
" oh my god amanda what happened are you okay ". Jeff asked while holding my face in his hands . I let out a shaky breath that I didn't even know I was holding till my tears streamed out like a river . I couldn't say anything all I could do was sob .
" amanda breath just breath everything is going to be fine ". Jeff said while kissing my cheek . " i-im l-losing e-everyone and the one thing that I'm never gonna let anyone take away from me is you ". I said while kissing jeff . Jeff was surprised by my action but soon melted into the kiss . Jeff moved me so that now I was straddling him . I smiled into the kiss as jeff held onto my hips .
Jeff bit my bottom lip and my mouth parts open a bit . He gentle slide his tongue in and I gripped his shirt tightly .
He moved down to my neck leaving little nips here and there .
Now its my turn I pushed jeff slightly away so that I could see his neck . I slowly leaned my head down to kiss his neck when I found his sensitive spot I heard jeff groan as he held my hips .
Jeff kept making noises as I sucked and kissed the spot till I saw that I left a mark . I pulled back panting air as I looked up at jeff . I hugged him and closed my eyes as I drifted off into sleep .

Anges pov
" Didn't I Tell You That I Only Wanted You To kill Anna No One Else Am I Correct ". I said while grabbing liliannas shirt .
" yes but I saw something it was inside the boys body some sort of connection or link it was red and it had a rope like structure before I could do anything that stupid girl came and she also had the connection she's connected with the boy ". Lilanna said while looking at me . " a connection huh that's interesting good job go gather everyone up were leaving now ". I said while grabbing my bow and arrows . I sharpened the arrow heads and dipped them into a dark black liquid and the liquid instantly dried .
" ange everyones ready were just waiting on you ". One of the demons said while peeking her head out the door .
I smiled and nodded . " let's go ". I said while walking out .

Amandas pov ( sorry for the pov switches )

When I finally woke up I was laying down with a wet towel on my forehead . I sighed and decided to get up . I walked up to the mirror and was wearing ripped black skinny jeans with a white sleevless shirt with a sleevless above stomach leather jacket .
I looked down and noticed that instead of my normal black vans they were studded black heels . I rolled my eyes and realized who had dressed me . Though I do look good in this outfit . I smiled and walked out the room with the sound of my heels clicking on the floor . As I was about to walk downstairs I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and hug me from behind . I smiled and laughed as jeff hugged me tighter .
" you know amanda you do have a gorgerous body ". Masky said while hugging me tighter . My eyes widened and I pushed masky to the wall and pulled out my knife and pushed it to his neck .
" don't ever fucking touch me ". I said while putting more pressure on the knife . " oh come on you know you want to aren't you getting bored with jeff ". Masky said while grabbing my waist. Before I could even blink I was pinned to the wall and my knife vanished . My eyes widened in shock as I looked at masky .
I struggled against his grip but failed to him some how being stronger then me . " come on amanda one peck wouldn't hurt right ". Masky said while leaning in closer to my face .
As I was about to yell out for ben to help I heard a familiar voice start talking . " A-amanda ". Jeff said while looking between me and masky . I pushed masky off me when he was off guard leading him to fall . I looked over at jeff and saw that jeffs eyes had sadness in them mixed with anger .
" jeff just stop and think this isn't what you think it is I swear ". I tried to explain but jeff ignored my response as he passed by me .
I looked down letting my hair cover my face .
" amanda hey are you okay ". Lost silver asked while walking up to me . I looked up and tried to fake a smile . " ya I'm fine what's up ". I said while still looking down .
" slender wants all of us outside they spotted ange , amanda its time ". Lost sliver explained sounding more sad then usaul .
I nodded but when I was about to head outside lost silver grabbed my arm and stopped me .
" slender wanted me to give you this ". Lost silver said while giving me a sword that had a black and silver blade that had the same structure and features as a throwing knife . I smiled and grabbed the sword taking in its features and weight . I tied the sword onto my belt where it was tight enough that it wouldn't fall off but also not that tight so I could take it out easily .
I made my way downstairs as I saw clock work working on the force field that made sure no other being but creepyapastas and proxies came in . I looked over to my side and saw glitchy red working on battle armor for the pastas who weren't good at fighting . I made my way outside where I knew where my fate lied . As I stepped outside the rain hit my skin and it burned a bit but I didn't mind it because I liked the pain .
I looked up at the tree line but saw nothing but the trees . I sighed and moved into my position .
As soon as everyone was outside everyone gathered into there positions for the fight . I looked over to my side and saw jeff standing there looking off to the tree line . He turned his head to me and locked eyes with me but then quickly looked away as we heard noises come from the trees . I looked back and saw an army of demons in the trees and the one person I was hoping I never have to fight . My one true friend the only peraon I have now but she's too far gone to save .
Zalgos Daughter Ange .

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