Chapter 32

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( the clothes in the picture are anges )

Anges pov

" you had one job get the last soul but you even failed at that ". My father said while grabbing my throat . " i-im sorry we had a problem with this girl I think her name was amanda she was in the way plus nathan got hurt ". I said while grabbing at his arm .
" you think I actually care about that useless servant he's nothing but a waste of space ". Father said while throwing me to the wall . I screamed in pain as my body made contact with the wall .
" Angelina are you okay "? Nathan asked while running over to me . " no nathan get back he'll kill you ". I said while trying to push him away . " I'm not going anywhere I don't care if I die I'm not leaving you ". Nathan said while helping me up .
Before I could say anything else I heard the sound of flesh ripping . I looked up and my eyes widened at the sight .
" n-nathan ". I said while looking at him . I watched him fall as the kagune retracted . I put his head in my lap and tried not to let the tears fall as I looked at him . " y-you know when I first got here I thought wow this is gonna suck but then I saw you and everything changed I thought I thought about you all the time your beautiful light brown eyes and your little plae skin everything about you I fell in love with ". Nathan said while holding my cheek . I felt the tears stream down my face as he kept talking . " h-hey don't cry ange you gotta be stronge please for me ". Nathan said while wiping my tears away . Before I could say anything else nathan stopped breathing and his body went numb . My heart stopped and everything I knew was gone all my feelings everything numbed out . I lifted nathans head off my lap and stood up looking at him . A tear slipped down my cheek as I stared down at the only person who loved me .
I wipped away my tears as I walked over to my father .
" now that he is gone we need to start descussing our plans for twommore night with the creepypastas ". Father said while looking at me . " oh no no no no , there is no we your not coming up above ground ". I said while looking at my father .
" WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM NOT GOING HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT I CREATED YOU ". My father yelled while trying to get up . I rolled my eyes as he yelled because I didn't care why would I . " damn I can hear you , you don't need yell shit ". I said while looking at my father . I heard him start to growl as I walked away . I felt the ground move as he stood up , before he could grab me I used my kagune to throw him against the wall .
" DONT EVER TRY TO TOUCH ME ". I hissed while stabbing him in the side . I jumped back and stared as my father tried to stand .
" the only reason I'm not gonna kill you is because I want you to watch me do your job for you and I know how much you hate that so this is your fucking punishment for killing the only person who loved me ". I said while raising my kagune .
" he was a waste o-of space p-plus he was h-holding you b-back ". My father said while struggling to get up . I growled at his statement and struck my father in the chest .
The sound of his flesh ripping was the only thing that was heard from his study . As I made a hole in his chest I reached in and pulled out his heart . I pulled out a bag and shoved the heart in it and walked off . " so you finally did it huh angie ". I heard my other friend say as I walked out into the hallway . " of course I couldn't let father have all the fun now could I ". I said while looking at the brown haired girl . A smile creeped on to her face and I kept looking foward . " gather up everyone were going to pay the pastas a little visit before twommore ". I said while going downstairs . The walls of the place were a dark red paint with the skulls of every person that has died . I walked up to a red velvet door and opened it to reveal a master bedroom . The bed covers were a dark purple as the walls were a lightest blue .
The only things in the room were a desk, a bed, and a closet .
I smiled and walked up to my closet and opened it to also reveal varitys of clothes of different colors mostly dark shades though .
I pulled out a black knee highed dress with a white round collar .
I looked down and saw many other shoes but I decided on just plain black ankle highed boots . I closed my closet and got dress and wrapped my hair up in a high bun. I looked at my self in the mirror and nodded at how I looked and walked out to gather everyone . I walked upstaurs to see the halls were empty .
I smiled at the silence and walked to the dining room . As I opened the doors all the talking from the inside turned quiet .
I walked up to my chair and sat down eyeing everyone to see if anyone was missing . When everyone was here I smiled and started to speak . " as you all should know my father zalgo evil ruler of hell and insanity is out of comission to go on with his plans to take over and destroy the creepypastas plus the earth so I've decided to continue his work ". I said with confidence .
" but what about the sheild that keeps demons from going in the mansion". A demon asked while rasising her hand . " I'm already handling that we have enough time to get everyone who is coming above ground time to get through ". I explained .
" ms aren't you a bit saddened that you will have to kill your friends anna ,amanda , and your ex lover lost silver ". Another demon asked . I growled at the sound of there names but kept my amile on . " first off don't ever call them my friends I don't care for them anymore got then and second of all , I want everyone who has an invisblity power to surround the tree line so no creepypasta gets out , and third I want amanda and lost silver unharmed if I find even a scratch on them I'll make sure you die twice as horrible got that ". I said while standing up . I saw everyone nod there head in agreement so I dismissed everyone but my friend lilianna .
" I need you to do me a favor before we pay the pastas a visit ". I asked while looking at my brown haired friend .
" of course anything what is it "? Lilianna asked while looking at me . " I need you to get rid of anna she's one of the proxies before we get there so they don't notice us can you do that ". I asked while walking . " of course one proxy dead you got it I won't fail ". Lilianna said while walking away . Before she walk away farther I grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her back .
" I only want anna dead that's it make sure to get her heart and don't kill anybody else got it ". I explained while getting up .
" so you do have a thing for the hearts and of course I won't fail ". Lilianna said while running . I heard the door close and I was alone at last . I looked up and watched the cieling fan and smiled at the thought of peoples blood on my hands . I got up and walked out the door with a smirk plastered on my face .
This is going to be an interesting night .

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