Chapter 31

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( bens new form )

Amandas pov

" jesues amanda what happened to you ". Jeff asked while wrapping my shoulder up . I smiled at how worried he was about me getting hurt . " ok I saw ange while killing and she looked different she acted didfferent she doesn't remember us ". I explained while looking at the ground . " you didn't try to bring her back ". Jeff said while looking at me . " of course I did , but when I blew the whistle something came out of anges back like a tentacle sort of like slenders ". I explained while looking down .
" I would've been able to bring her back but I was weak and I underestimated ange now she's gone again ". I said while getting off the bed . " hey , don't say that you are not weak your the strongest person that I know don't ever doubt yourself its not good ". Jeff said while grabbing my hand . I smiled and nodded at his response . " thanks for fixing my shoulder white boy ". I said while kissing jeffs cheek and walking out . I heard a slight chuckle come from jeff as I walked out and I smiled .
I know I'm not weak but what I'm scared of is that I'm going to have to kill ange just to send zalgo back its stupid but I have to do what I have to do as a proxy to protect the ones I love .
" oh look who it is its the friend of zalgos daughter still sad about how your little bitch boy ben died ". I heard julianna said as I passed her room . I felt my blood start to boil as she mentioned bens name . I turned around and saw that julianna was standing in her doorway with a stupid smirk on her face .
" julianna I don't have time for your shit so don't start ". I said while starting to walk away . " ohhh boo hoo to bad why don't you go running back to that white bastard of yours if you can't deal with it ". Julianna said while grabbing my shoulder . I growled and grabbed her arm and slammed her body against the wall . " don't ever call my jeff a bastard ever again if you do I'll rip you apart myself got that ". I said while pulling out my knife .
Her eyes widened as my knife came out . " you have no idea what I'm capable of and I'm pretty sure that I've kicked your ass before and I'm sure as hell can do it again so if you want to live I suggest you back the hell off , got that ". I said while putting my knife to her neck . Julianna nodded while I pushed her off the wall .
I was about to start walking when I felt my body fly foward and go tumbling down the stairs . I moaned in pain as my body finally hit the floor . " just because you've beat me and stabbed me doesn't mean I'm scared of you ". Julianna said while pressing her foot to my throat . I growled and tried reaching for my knife but I felt that it wasn't there . I looked up at julianna and saw that she was holding my knife . " looking for this , I guess you are useless without a knife ". Julianna said while putting more pressure on my neck . I felt my air circulation start to close as she pressed harder . " to bad you were a lot of fun to play with especially ange giving her zalgos real daughters power to her ". Julianna said with a smirk . My eyes widened at what she was saying .
I tried to talk but I couldn't breathe , I felt my vision start to go blurry as my heart beat started to slow down .
Before I blacked out I noticed a black shawdoy mist appear in the back of julianna . The eyes of the mist were a bright yellow but the one thing that I noticed was that it didn't have a mouth .
I kept staring at it till the mist went inside juliannas body and picked her up into the air . As juliannas foot was lifted off my neck I gasped for air and started to back away as julianna struggled against the black mist . " what the hell , how are you doing that". Julianna questioned while looking at me . Before I could answer julainnas body started bubbleing up like boiling water .
I just stared not even blinking at what I was seeing .
" AHHHHHHH MAKE IT STOP PLE....". Julianna screamed but was cut off by her body exploding and her blood splattering every where . My eyes widened as nothing was left of julianna but her oragns and blood . I looked down at myself and saw that I was covered in her blood . I looked back up and saw that the black mist was standing in front of me just staring me down .
" Thank you for helping me but who are you ". I asked while loooking at the person . The person didn't say anything all it did was stand there. " that mist right there is bens new form because his human body was too badly damaged I had to take his inner form out ". I heard slender explain while walking up behind me .
I looked at ben and smiled .
Welcome back Ben

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