You're Bleeding ✔️

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Boredom was inevitable I suppose and the idea that somehow starting over in this place would be different seemed relatively stupid now. It wasn't that hard for me to get good grades because  I put in the work at home but to sit through an entire class was a real challenge, especially when the teacher had the ability to put you to sleep just by using his voice, sucking the fun and soul out of any material. That hour gave me plenty of time to think about my encounter earlier this morning with who I find out was named Peter Rumancek and as fate would want it, was my mysterious neighbour living in the trailer. God was truly playing on my side on this one.

By lunch, I had already made a friend and the work expected of us was not out of the ordinary. The atmosphere, however, the atmosphere of the school seemed off, heavy almost. I noticed the first couple of girls crying as I was making my way to Peter's locker. He looked up and went back to put his books in his bag.

"Do you know what happened? Did the next Justin Bieber concert sold out?" I remembered how Tessa cried for two days straight when we hadn't been quick enough to get her tickets for her birthday. It had been a long couple of days. I didn't have to speculate and Peter didn't have to answer as the principal's voice came out of every speakers in the school.

"Tonight's vigil for Brooke Bluebell will be held at Penrose High Stadium. Hemlock High students are encouraged to attend. It will be at 7 o'clock tonight. Thank you"

"Does that answer your question?" I immediately felt back for imagining something so shallow when a student had died. Those girls might have been friends with her.

"I'm guessing you didn't know her either, did you?"

"Nope," he got closer to my ear as another group of sobbing girls rushed past us to get to the bathroom, "They say it was an animal attack."

I was about to ask him more about it but waited to be outside not to upset anyone else. "By the looks I've been receiving all day, I'm the highest suspect on everyone lists." He carried on.

"If you say because you're a sexy beast ..." I joked but he didn't laugh. "I mean unless you have claws and sharp teeth I didn't know about."

"I'm a Gyspy. That's enough in their books."

"Well not in mine," I smiled and walked over to my car, Tessa already there and waiting for me, and fully excepting him to follow me but didn't, despite me offering him a ride home.

"Maybe next time, I'll see you later," and with that, he left. Interesting first day all around.

-------- Just like at school, the atmosphere during dinner was tensed but for completely different reasons, despite Donna's attempts to change the subject several times.

"I just don't get why I can't use your car!" Tessa said getting up and putting her plate in the sink, rougher than need be.

"Well, precisely because, it's MY car. And you can't even drive yet." I told her still at the table.

"I'll be sixteen in 3 months, if we were back home I'd be able to drive."

"But we're not."

"Donna, say something," She pleaded, her eyes already filling up with tears.

Donna always avoided fights with us and hated, even more, when Tessa and I were going at it so I expected her to side with my little sister but I guess for once she decided to state her ground.

"I'm afraid your sister is right, Tessa ... It's the law but-"

"No it's bullshit!" Tessa interrupted her, her tears already dried since she knew it wouldn't get her anywhere this time.

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