DDM Narry

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You've now got a boyfriend. He's coming over for dinner tonight to meet your dads. You're nervous, but your boyfriend is a gentleman. "When is he coming?" Harry said. "He should be here-" you got cut off by the doorbell. "Now." You went towards the door when Harry picked you up and Niall went to the door. "I'll get it." When Niall, answered the door, Jack smiled. "Hello, Mr Storan, I'm Jack." He held out his hand. Niall smiled and shook his hand. "Come in." "Thanks. Hi, Y/n." He went to kiss your cheek when, Harry pulled you back and stepped in front of you. "Hello." Jack stood back. "Oh, hi." "So he gets a, Mr Storan and all I get is a 'oh, hi'? How's that fair?" "Sorry, you scared me. Hi, Mr Storan." "Hi." Then you smiled. "Hey." "Yeah, hey." He said walking into the living room. Harry raised an eyebrow. So did Niall. "Woah, wait a minute!" Niall said. Jack turned round. "Yes, sir?" "Come here." Jack stood in front of him. "You're girlfriend! Who happens to be our daughter, just said 'hey' to you and you just to 'yeah, hey.' Do you know how rude that is?! You're meant to be making a good impression in front of us and you treating her like dirt isn't going to work! You're lucky we even invited you into the house! And for the food, I do NOT share my food. I didn't even share my food when she was a baby! So you either get a grip and treat her with respect or you can get out!" Jack looked at him. "See ya!" Then he left. Harry went after him. "Apologise!" "What?" He asked scoffing. "Apologise to her! You're being a dick to our daughter! You're not going to go near her anymore! You're not even allowed to breathe next to her! You don't deserve to be with her or any girl. Yeah you might of just say 'yeah, hey.' But she's your girlfriend! It surprised me when you said that because as soon as you walked in you nearly kissed her but now you're so cold to her! Get out, she's not talking to you again." "But I haven't had my dinner?" Niall, then grabbed him by the hoodie and shoved him out the door. "Shame." Then slammed the door. "Thanks." You said smiling. "Has he treated you like this before?" "Only in front of his friends. I'm used to it." "Yeah, well if he does it again, hit him so hard where it hurts that his grandkids can feel it." Harry said making Niall go wide eyed. "Christ." You whispered. "Let's get food." Niall said pulling you and Harry to the dinner table. "You don't need him." Harry said. "I know."

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