BSM Harry

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Shark attack

"Come on let's go!" Bailey yelled. "Yeah, come on I want to go!" I said also. "We're coming hold your horses!" Niall yelled. We rolled our eyes and went on our phones. 5 minutes later they came. "Finally!" Me and Bailey said. Louis smirked and gave me a kiss. "Hey." "Come on." I said and pulled him along to the car. "Wait! Wait on Niall and Harry!" Louis said. "And Liam." Liam said coming in. "You're driving." Harry said flinging Liam the keys. Harry then wrapped his arms around Bailey's waist and kissed her. "I can't believe you're going to be my sister in-law." I said. "I could say the same to you." "A month away." Louis said kissing my cheek. "Two months for us." Harry said kissing Bailey's cheek. "Yeah, congrats but can we go?" Liam said. "Yeah, come on." Niall said. "Y/n, and Bailey sit on Louis' and Harry's lap." "Im not sitting on my brothers knee!" We both said. "Then swap!" Niall said. We nodded and I sat on Louis' lap and Bailey sat on Harry's. "Well, ain't this cosy?" Harry said. "Yep." Louis replied. "Since we're here for four hours let's play a game of eye spy!" Harry said. "Do we have to?" Bailey asked. "It's just so the time can fly by." Harry said. "I'll go first!" I said. I turned round so my feet are on the middle seat and Bailey done the same. "This is much more comfy." Bailey said. I nodded. "Yeah. So eye spy with my big eye..." "Big eye?" Louis asked. "Something beginning with...... W." I said. "Window?" Bailey asked. "No." I replied. "Wheel?" Harry asked. "No. It actually starts with two W's." I said. "Windshield wipers?" Niall asked. "Yeah." "How were we supposed to guess that?" Louis asked. "Because." I said. "My turn!" Niall said. "Eye spy with my blue eye something beginning with..... S." "Steering wheel?" I asked. "Nope." "Sleeping?" Louis asked. "Yeah!" Niall said. "How can you see sleeping?" Harry asked. "Bailey's sleeping." Louis said. Harry looked at her and smiled. "I'm going to sleep as well." I said and laid my head on Louis' shoulder. "Sleep tight, love." He said kissing my head. "Have a lads car ride." I said and closed my eyes. "I love you." I heard Louis say. I looked up. "I love you too." I looked at Harry and he was on his phone with his hand resting on Bailey's stomach. I shoved my foot at the side of his head making Louis chuckle. "Love you, bro." He smirked. "Love you, weirdo." He said and I fell asleep. A few hours later we were there. "Hey!" Louis said. "Hi." I mumbled. "We're here and me and Y/n, get the big room!" Bailey said as we ran inside. "No fair!" Harry yelled. Louis then sighed. "I'll sleep with Liam." "I'll stay with Niall then." Harry said and they went into the house. Me and Bailey got to the room and sat on the bed. "I need to tell you something!" Bailey said. "What?" I asked. "After the summer me and Harry are going to try for a baby." I went wide eyed. "Oh my god!" I said happily. "Me and Louis are doing the same but we're getting the wedding out the way." "Good, because I want to be a auntie." Bailey said. "As do i!" I said. "What are you girls talking about?" Niall said walking in. "Nothing." I said. "Ok, well Harry's put the dinner on." Niall said. "Ok, thanks Ni." He smiled and headed out. "He's cute." Bailey said. "And you used to go out with him." Bailey added. "I know." I said. "Do you miss him?" Bailey asked. "Sometimes but I'm happy with Louis. And we're taking our relationship to the next level." I said. "But, have you ever thought that it could've been Niall that this was happening with?" "What about you? You went out with Liam, it could've been him that you're starting to have kids with." "I know, but I love Harry." "And I love Louis." "And we love you!" They shouted from the other side of the door. "They heard us." I said. "Oh well, they know we love them." Bailey replied. "We're heading to the water, coming?" Louis asked us. We nodded. "Come on then, babe." Louis said and wrapped his arm around my waist. Harry doing the same to Bailey. "Are they coming?" Liam asked as Louis nodded. "Let's go." Niall said and we headed out. As we get out, Niall and Louis ran and jumped in. "Is it cold!?" I asked. "Just a bit! But just come in!" Louis replied. Me and Bailey then jumped in. "Jesus Christ! It's freezing!" Bailey said. "We told you." Harry said. "Want to swim up to there?" Niall asked as he pointed to a little bridge. "Yeah." I replied and we swam. When we got there we just talked to each other for a little while when a guy walked up to us. "Hi." He said. "Hello." Bailey replied. "I'm Blake." He said. "We didn't ask." Niall said. "I was talking to these girls." "We didn't ask what your name was." I said and Niall held back a laugh. "Look, I came here to talk to you because you both are proper fit." He said and me and Bailey raised an eyebrow. "No." Bailey said. "Are these guys your boyfriends?" Blake asked. "No, those guys over there in the water? Those are these girls fiancées." Liam said and me and Bailey showed our hands. "Oh, well ditch them." He said. "What?!" Bailey asked. "Ditch them. Me and my brother-" "well both of those guys are our brothers so I suggest you walk away before they notice that you're making us uncomfortable." I said. "Ok, whatever. Don't miss me too much." "Don't worry they won't." Harry said. "Oh wait, you're that band! One Direction isn't it?" Blake asked. They nodded. "Yeah...." Niall said. "I always thought you two were together." Blake said to Louis and Harry. "Get lost." Bailey said. Blake scoffed and walked off. "Did he bother you?" Louis asked. "No, he was being a tit but he didn't do anything." Bailey said. "Want to go back inside?" Niall asked us and we nodded. "Lou, push him in." I whispered to Louis. Louis smirked and run up behind Blake and pushed him in. "WHAT THE HELL, DUDE?!" "Sorry, mate. She told me too!" Louis said laughing and pointing at me while we were all laughing. "You're going to pay for that!" Blake said pointing at Louis. "Love you too." Louis said and walked back to us. "That was fun." He said and we headed back to the beach house. "I'm going to make food for us all!" Liam said and Harry joined him. "Ok!" We said. Just as me and Niall were about to sit down the door went. "Who the hell?" Niall mumbled and we headed to the door. "Hello?" Niall asked as we opened the door. "Hi, I'm Blake's brother and I only came here to apologise for his behaviour." I smiled softly. "Well thanks." "Oh my name is Drake by the way." "Well thanks, Drake. I appreciate it." He smiled and waved then left. "He was sweet." I said. "Who was sweet?" Louis asked. "Blake's brother." "Oh. What was he saying?" Louis asked as his jaw tensed. "Just apologising for Blake's behaviour." I said. "And Blake couldn't do that himself?" Louis asked. "I don't know, Louis! What's with the questions?!" "I'm only asking!" "Well!" Then I went to my room. Bailey following me. "What was that about?" She asked me. "He's getting all jealous for no reason! Only because I said that he was sweet! It's not like I said he's a great kisser!" I said and sat on the bed. Louis then stormed in. "The only reason I get jealous is because I think you can do better! I feel like I'm not good enough for you! When I see you talking to any other boy I can't help think that you might think that they're better than me! So I'm sorry if I worry about loosing you!" He said and I sighed. "I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry." He sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry." He said and kissed my head. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." "Yay! Happy ending!" Bailey said. "Killed the moment, Bailey." Louis said. "Oh sorry. I'll go with my boyfriend now." "You do that." I said chuckling. Then she left. "I wish I can sleep in here with you." "Well, it's up to Bailey. She's the one who wanted to sleep here as well." "I'll ask her." He said walking out. "Bailey, see for tonight and for tonight only. Can I sleep with Y/n?" She nodded. "I was going to ask you that anyway. Tell her I'll sleep there tomorrow." They nodded and Louis walked back in. "Good night love." He said and lied down next to you. "Lou, we've not even had dinner." I said. "Oh shit." He said walking up and out and came back two minutes. "I have a plate with pizza. But, only two slices." I nodded and he handed me a slice. "Thanks." "After this I'm going to bed." Louis said. "Same." Half an hour later we finished our pizza and we fell asleep. The next morning we woke up to Harry and Niall jumping on the bed. "TIME TO GET UP!!" They yelled. "PISS OFF!!" Louis screamed. "Oooohhhh, someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed." Niall said. "No, I woke up at the right side of the wrong bed." "Smooth." I said. We then got up. "It's 12 o'clock come on! Liam said he got us a boat!" Harry said grabbing our arms and pulling us. "Harry, we need to get dressed!" I said. "Hurry up." He said and I ran back into the room, Louis heading to his. I just put on a bikini and some shorts. Bailey then came in and she was wearing the same. "You ready?" I nodded. "Let's go." I said and we headed out. "Right, the boat is just there." Liam said pointing to it and we all ran. "Be careful!" He yelled. We got on the boat and sat on the chairs. "I'm being a third wheel here!" Bailey said. Harry then sat down next to her. "There. Happy?" He asked and she nodded. "Ok, we can set sail." Liam said coming on. "Are you the captain?" Niall asked. "Indeed I am." Liam replied. Ten minutes later we were moving and we stopped after 15 minutes. "Jump in with me!" Bailey said and stood on the rail and we jumped off. The water was freezing. "Harry!" "Lou!" We shouted at the same time. "Come in!" We shouted. They sighed and jumped in. "Shit!" Bailey said. "What?" We asked. "I've still got my shorts on." We laughed. "Idi-" Louis got cut off by going under water. "Lou?" Harry asked. "Louis!?" I yelled. He still didn't come up. "LOUIS?!" He then came back up and so did the Blake guy. Louis was coughing like mad. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Harry screamed and punched Blake. "Ow! I told you guys I would get him back!" "So you nearly drown him?" "Hardly nearly drowned him!" Blake replied. "Just get lo-" Harry got cut off by going underwater. "Is that you?" Bailey asked Blake. He shook his head. "Is it Drake?" I asked and again he shook his head. "This isn't funny!" Louis said. "I'm not doing- BLOOD!!" Blake yelled and we looked and saw a pool of blood. "OH MY GOD! HARRY!!" I yelled. "Come on!" Louis yelled and we swam to the boat. We got up with the help of Liam and Niall. Me and Louis helped Blake. "HELP ME!!" Harry yelled. "HARRY!" Me and Bailey screamed and then he was gone. "NOOOOO!!!!!" Me and Bailey yelled. "Harry." The boys whispered. "Was that a re-" "LOOK!" Niall yelled and we saw a fin. "There's a shark in there." I said. "We need to get it. It killed my brother!" I added. "We need to make it pay!" I added. "Let's go kill a shark." Louis said. Half an hour later, Bailey and Liam sat on one of the couches. "He's gone, Li. I can't marry him. I loved him." "I know you did but we have to be there for Y/n, as well." "I know. I just can't believe he's gone." Bailey sobbed. Liam pulled her into hug. "You'll be ok. We're here for you." Liam said softly. Bailey then looked at him. "Thank you, Liam." She said smiling. Bailey then leaned in and kissed him softly. Liam kissed her back. This went on for two minutes. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled. "Y/n-" I cut her off. "My brother! Who was your freaking fiancée just died like two minutes ago and you're kissing his best friend! That's low. Even for you!" I then walked back to Louis. "She was kissing Liam." I said. "You're joking!" Louis said shocked. "Nope. I can't believe that my brother just died two minutes ago and she's already moved on. I HOPE YOU HEAR THIS!!" I then yelled. She then came out. "To think I thought you loved him!" I said. "I do love him! I love him with all my heart. I'm engaged to him, Y/n!" "Yeah, you WERE engaged to him. But, now that doesn't matter to you does it!? Because you've already made a move on Liam." "Y/n, come on-" "no, Liam! You were the last person I would think of doing that. You're his best mate. I can't believe you kissed her back." I said softly and went up to the top deck. Louis and Niall following me. "Niall, you're taking her side?" Liam asked. "Of course he is Liam! He still loves Y/n. It's obvious." Niall shook his head and continued walking. "You ok?" Louis asked me. I nodded. "Hey, where's that Blake guy?" I asked. "Here. I came up here to give you guys some privacy." Blake said walking over to us. "Sorry to hear about your brother." He said. "Thanks." He nodded and headed down. "Why is he still here?" Louis asked. "Lou, there's a shark in the water. We're not making him swim back." I said. "We can take the boat back, drop him off and there you go he's safe and we come back out and kill the shark." "No, Lou. He's staying." I said. "It's like you've fallen in love with him!" "How?! I just don't want another shark attack Louis! I just lost my brother! I can't witness that again!" Louis sighed and pulled me into a hug. "Fine. He can stay but he's only allowed to talk to you." I nodded. "I'll be with you at all times as well." He added. "AHHH!!" We heard a scream. "Hey, you're two friends just fell over board!" Blake said. We all ran down and went towards them. Blake and Niall got Liam and Louis ran straight to Bailey. "Help me!" Louis said looking at me. "Y/n, don't just stand there help me!" "I can't." I said and walked up to the deck. "The Sharks coming!" Blake said. Bailey screamed. "Y/n! GET DOWN HERE AND HELP ME!! OR THE WEDDING IS OFF!" Louis yelled. I didn't go down. I can't marry him. I still love Niall. But, I won't be able to live with the guilt. I leaned on the railing and took a deep breath. I saw that Niall was coming up. "Y/n?" He asked. He saw me against the railing. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Goodbye Niall. I'll always love you." Then I flung myself back and into the water. "Y/N!!" Niall yelled. I saw Louis look at me and go wide eyed. "NO!" He yelled. Bailey is now on the ship and when Louis was about to jump in after me. The shark got me. "Y/N!!" Louis screamed. "AH!" I screamed and that was me gone. Back on the ship Louis stood there frozen. Blake walked up to him. "I'm sorry." He said softly. "It's fine. Because I'm going to kill that shark. If it's the last thing I do." Niall then walked up to Louis. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HER?!" "She was at the other side of the ship and just when I was about to run at her she flung herself." "She flung herself? You mean she did this on purpose?!" Niall nodded. "She said that'll she'll always love..." He looked at Louis and saw the miserable look in his eyes. "She said that she'll always love you." Niall said as pain went through his heart. He didn't get a chance to say he loved me back. Louis smiled softly. "The last thing I said to her that the weddings off. I was just angry. I didn't mean to say it. She left my sister but she just stood there. I love Y/n, so much. And I can't believe she done that. But, she left my sister." Louis sobbed. "She was probably still angry at her because she kissed Liam." Louis nodded. "I love her so much. Now, I'll never get married. I'm never going to meet someone like Y/n again. She was perfect." Louis said. "Yeah, she was." "Niall, she didn't say that she'll always love ME did she?" Louis asked. "Yeah, she did." "No, she didn't Niall. She said it about you. It's obvious. The pain on your face when you said that she will always love me. I know you both still loved each other. I can't compare to you. It should've been you who was engaged to her. You loved her with all your heart and you didn't dare to hurt her. I cheated on her two weeks ago. I regret it obviously. I'm never doing it again-" "the reason I broke up with her Louis is because she cheated on me with you. Lou, you may have cheated on her but you still loved her. She's always going to love you." Niall said. "We've lost the Styles family." Louis mumbled. "Holy shit, what are we going to tell, Gemma, Anne and Robin?" Niall said. "Shit!" Louis said. "I forgot all about them." "Hey." Bailey said walking up. "How you feeling?" She asked Louis. "Grand." He said sarcastically. "We knew you loved her Louis. You'll move on soon." "What sooner than you?!" Louis snapped. She went wide eyed. "Lou..." "What? Can't handle the pressure?! What will Harry think?!" "I don't know! And I never will! He's dead." She said standing up and walking away. "NICE TO KNOW YOU'RE MISSING HIM!!" Niall yelled. Bailey rolled her eyes. "Blake's being quiet." Liam said. "I've not really seen him. Want to go and check on him?" Louis asked. They nodded and got up. "Blake?!" They said. "Blake?" Niall asked as he didn't answer. "No way!" Liam said. They looked up and saw Bailey kissing him. "You just make your way around the boys don't you?!" Louis asked. "Yeah, I do! I'm trying to move on with my life!" "Bailey, the guy you were getting married to in less in two months just died! My fiancée just died as well! Who was going to be your sister in-law! And you're not showing any sympathy! They were going to be our family! We were going to start a family! And now they're both gone! From here on out we're all we've got left till we get home! If some of us make it that far!" Louis said. "I was going to start a family too, Louis! How do you think I feel?!" Bailey asked. "I don't know how you feel! You're not showing any feelings! You barley know this guy and he barley knows you! How do you know he doesn't have a girlfriend! What if he's just going to use you?!" Bailey looked down. "Show some sympathy for once in your life and cry cause we just lost the people we loved the most!" Louis said as a tear went down his face. Bailey sighed and hugged him. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to believe he's gone. Or Y/n." Louis nodded and hugged her tighter. "Come on. We've got a shark to catch." Bailey said. "How do you know there's only one?" Blake asked. "What?" Bailey asked. "There might be more than one. We never know." "Well, I'm only worrying about the one just now." Louis said. He went down and got a gun. "Do you think this will do?" Louis asked. "Lou!" Bailey yelled. "What?" "You just pointed a gun in my face!" Bailey replied. "Sorry!" Louis said. "But, will this do!?" "Yeah, I'm sure it's fine!" Bailey said. "Does it have bullets?" Niall asked. Louis checked and nodded. "Yep." "Good." "We need bait." Bailey said. Blake then kneeled down and grabbed a fish. "Shut up!" Liam said. "Practice." Blake shrugged. "Yeah, because that's something you practice!" Bailey said sarcastically. "You never know." He then stamped on the fish and blood was everywhere. "We could've said a few words first." Louis said. "Ew." Bailey said. "Wait what's this?" Niall asked. "What?" Liam asked. "There's a bucket of fish guts." Niall said. He picked the bucket up and gagged. "That's not pretty." He said. Liam help him and put it at the end of the boat. "Blake, you do it." Bailey said. He sighed and used his hand. "You're so not making dinner." Bailey said. He looked at Bailey still flinging the guts in the water. "WATCH OUT!" Niall yelled. Blake looked and saw the shark. It bit his arm and he screamed. Liam and Louis pulled him back. Yet the shark still tried to get him. "Stamp on him!" Bailey yelled. "IT'S NOT A BUG BAILEY!!" Niall yelled. "I'M MISSING AN ARM!!" Blake yelled. "Hang in there!" The shark then bit his leg. "AHH!!" Louis and Liam were trying their hardest. "HU-" then was when Blake slipped and the shark got him. "LOUIS, GET THE GUN!!" Liam yelled. Louis ran and shot the shark "ROT IN HELL BITCH!!" Louis yelled. He shot it until there was no bullets left. "Is it dead?" Bailey asked. Liam stamped on it. "Yeah." He said. He then kicked the shark and went to drive the boat. "We may of lost a guy we just met and the ones we loved. But, hell that was awesome! I killed a shark!" Louis said. "Can we just go home?" Bailey asked. "Yeah, let's go home." Liam said. Bailey and Louis then turned round. "Bye Y/n." "Bye Harry." They said at the same time and pulled each other into a hug. "We love you." "We love you." They then whispered. "Always."

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