DDM All the boys part 2

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This is the chapter when things get real. Niall is dad, Harry is papa, Louis is pops and Liam is daddy.

"There has to be something we can do!" Liam said. "What is there to possibly do?! I told you guys that we can't do anything. This thing won't stop until we're all dead! It's coming for me next then-" "it's coming for me." I said cutting Bailey off. "No! NO! I'm not loosing you." Niall said and pulled me close to him. Bailey looked down. "Look, can't we just throw holy water around us all?" Louis asked. "Where in gods name are we going to get holy water?" Liam asked. "It's just a suggestion. But, we can't loose our little girls." Niall held me even tighter. Bailey then sighed and walked upstairs. "Bailey?" Harry called after her. "Go see what's wrong." Liam said, then Harry headed upstairs. When he got to mine and Bailey's room he saw that she was crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked sitting next to her. "Dad loves Y/n, more than me doesn't he?" She asked and Harry sighed. "Bailey...." "It's true though. With him it's always about her. When something happens to me he's clinging onto her, never me. Every time she hurts herself he's always the first one there. Face it, I'm just a shadow to him." "Bailey, when you first came into this house Niall's eyes lit up. He held you for an hour. He actually didn't go to the toilet. He never wanted to put you down. He loves you so much that he would hate if something was to happen to you. I know that we're all going to die. But, with Y/n, he's more protected because he's scared to turn his back on her. He told you the last time he done that. He's just scared that it's going to be his fault again. Don't feel like that, love. He loves you and you should know that." Harry explained and Bailey nodded. "You're right-" "LOUIS!" "POPS!" We screamed and Harry and Bailey ran downstairs. "What's- oh my god!" Harry said. He saw Louis lying on the floor with blood running down his face. "POPS!" Bailey yelled and ran towards him. "I thought it was Bailey next?" Niall asked. "It was meant to be!" I said. Bailey looked up at me with anger. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU LIED SAYING THAT YOU SAW ME IN THE MIRROR!!" "Bailey I swear it was you! It said that you were next!" I argued back. "Well pops isn't me is he?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT?! I HOPE IT'S NEXT! WOULD BE BETTER FOR ALL OF US!" Then she stormed back upstairs. "She-she didn't mean that, love." Liam said. "But, she did daddy." I whispered. "She's just shocked that Louis' lying on the floor with blood down his face." Harry said. "She hates me." I sobbed then walked out. "She's going outside! No! She can't!" Niall said and ran out after me. "Y/n, wait!" "Leave me alone, dad! I want to be alone!" He sighed but still went after me. "DAD LEAVE ME ALONE!" I said again. He sighed and nodded. He was heading back to the house when he heard screeching of tires and a scream. Niall froze. "Oh my god." He mumbled. He slowly turned round and saw me lying on the ground. "NOOOOO!!!!" He yelled and ran towards me. "Y/n!" He said tapping my cheek. "Come on." He said picking me up. "Let's go home. You're-you're fine." He said and walked back into the house. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Liam yelled. Niall put me next to Louis. "She-she got hit by a car. My worst fear. How about that, eh? She dies and it's the way she nearly died when she was 4!" Niall said and headed upstairs when he saw Bailey. "You happy now?! Your sister is gone. Your wish is granted your highness. Want to know how she died? She died by getting hit by a car. My baby girl gone like that! And do you know what? I'm blaming you, you wanted her to be next and look at that... SHE'S DEAD!!" He yelled and went into his bedroom slamming the door. "I'm sorry." Bailey whispered and slowly headed downstairs. "Bailey." Liam said. "She's really gone?" She asked sitting next to me. "Y-yeah. She-she is." Harry sobbed. "Now, Louis' gone as well. Dad blames me for this." She said pointing at me. "And I don't blame him. I blame me as well. It should be me. I want to be next." "Bailey..." "No, papa." She said and sat on the floor. After two minutes went past Bailey just collapsed. "BAILEY?!" Liam said and shook her. "Check her pulse!" Harry said. Liam obeyed. "No! No! No!" He said and held her close. "Not my baby girl." He whispered. "She's gone?" Harry asked whispering. Liam nodded. "NIALL!!" Harry yelled. Liam then put Bailey beside me. "Wha-" he froze when he saw Bailey. "Oh, she's gone." He said and sat on the couch. "May I remind you that she's your daughter!" Harry said. "Yeah-" just then there was a loud screech. "AH! What the hell is that?!" Liam asked. "Is this Naughty Boy's new song?!" Harry asked as they all covered their ears. "GOODBYE!!!" A deep demon voice said. The lights cut off and all that was heard was screaming coming from the three boys. When the lights turned back on, we were all lying beside each other and the dog came in and sat on the couch. When Mrs Collins came back. She screamed and picked up sparky and phoned ambulance and we were all pronounced dead. Sorry if this is like demented 😂😂😂

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