BSM All the boys

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Personal for Missbabydoll424 sorry for the very long wait.

"So is it today that we all get to be big brothers again, mum?" Niall asked. She smiled and nodded. "Yep, now pleas tell me that you're excited!" She said. "Of course we are." Louis said. "What's her name?" Harry asked. "Tameka." She replied. "Now, you need to treat her like a China doll. She's a new born. She was born 2 weeks ago." "She was only born two weeks ago?" Liam asked shocked. "Yeah. Now come on, it's time to leave." She said and the boys all ran to the car. "I'm sitting next to her when we get her!" Harry said. "No! I'm the oldest I should!" Louis argued. "No! That's not fair!" Niall said. "How is that not fair?!" Harry asked. "Louis' the oldest and he's allowed to sit in the front! He should stay there instead of sitting next to Tameka!" Niall replied. "He's got a point." Anne said as she came in the car. "But mum!" Louis said. "You's three can settle it with Rock Paper Scissors." She said. Niall, Liam and Harry smirked. "Rock paper scissors." They said. Niall done rock, Liam done paper and Harry done.... "Harry what's that meant to be?" Niall asked. "Fire." He replied. Niall looked at his hand. "Well, Harry if that's fire. Then this is water balloon." Niall said and pretended to put Harry's 'fire' out. Liam looked at Niall. "Oh Liam is paper so Niall can put his water balloon over that." Anne said. "Mum!" Liam said. "Sorry, Hun. It's the rules." "YES! I get sit next to her!" Niall said. They rest of them rolled their eyes but Anne smiled. "Let's go!" She said and headed to the orphanage. They got there half an hour later and the boys literally raced to the door. "HI!" They said as the social worker answered the door. "Hi." She said smiling. "Hey, Joanne." Anne said. "Oh hi, Anne! She's all packed and ready to go. Now, all the kids really want to say goodbye." Joanne said smiling and invited them in. "She's in there. Come on guys, make some room." Joanne said to the kids and they stepped back to the boys and Anne stood in front of the Moses basket. "Oh my god she's so small." Louis whispered. "Yeah, she is." One of the boys said walking up behind Louis. "Promise us one thing, yeah?" He then asked and Louis. He nodded. "Take good care of her, yeah? It's just that she's so small and we don't want her hurt." "We never plan on hurting her. She's family now and we'll treat her like she's a China doll." Louis said smiling. The boy smiled and stood back. "Right, everything is sorted. Tameka is now officially your baby sister." Joanne said. Anne smiled and took my out of the basket. "Niall, pick up the basket." She said. I then slowly opened my eyes. "Oh my god. She's awake." They crowded around me. "Hey, I'm your mummy. And these idiots are your new brothers. We are going spoil you rotten. Do you guys want to say one last goodbye?" She then asked the other kids and they nodded. They boys stood out the way and everyone kissed my cheek. "Bye Tameka." They whispered. Once everyone said goodbye it was time to go. "We'll see you later." Joanne said and waved. everyone came to the door and waved us off. "Welcome to the family." Niall whispered. "I get to feed her since I was second in Rock Paper Scissors!" Liam said. "No, I do!" Harry said. "I'm the oldest so I should!" Louis said. "Niall don't even argue, you got to sit next to her." Louis said. "Guys, this argument is hopeless. I'm feeding her. Remember I'm the mum." Anne said and headed home. "Ughh!" The boys groaned but Niall was not really interested as he was making me hold his finger with my hand. "Welcome to the family, princess."

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