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internet friends // 5 seconds of summer


As far as I'm concerned, my life is average and that's how I want to keep it. Sometimes I wish I had more friends than just Blossom, but then I remember that I'm happy the way I am.

People seem to think that you need a big house, fancy clothes, and endless concert tickets to make you happy. But the truth is that you really don't.

You need good people that care about and positivity everywhere. Of course, there's always going to be bad days, though. It's unavoidable. But, without the bad days the good days wouldn't feel so good.

Without any conflict what's the point of any of this? Life would just be boring if we were happy all the time.

mariiia: when you realize sounds live feels live starts today {image attached}

Me: lmao same maria same

alice<3: omg im so excited

daddy: I'm excited too!

mich3ll3: im really surprised you guys haven't stopped talking to us yet

sex god: why would we stop talking to you guys

calcumber: yeah we're not complete assholes

breadstick: well

breadstick: that's a matter of opinion

sex god: shut up luke

sex god: we want them to like us

mariiia: awe how cute

daddy: Alice and I are in love, right alice?

alice<3: sure

mich3ll3: does anyone wanna go on an adventure

mariiia: hells yeah

sex god: sure


calcumber: michael did you order the pizza

sex god: you're literally sitting right next to me

sex god: do you think i ordered the pizza ?

daddy: ffs i'll just order it

breadstick: no i'll do it

breadstick: i'm the responsible one

sex god: shut up luke

Me: this is so funny omg

alice<3: gtg mates bye

mariiia: *m9

jackie: hello

mich3ll3: omg jackie where have you been

jackie: gtg bye

Me: uh

alice<3: that was weird

mariiia: yeah

Me: im kind of worried about her tbh

mich3ll3: same

breadstick: i hope she's okay

alice<3: luke you don't even know her


sex god: wtf luke

calcumber: the pizza's here

internet friends // 5 seconds of summerWhere stories live. Discover now