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internet friends // 5 seconds of summer


maria's pov

Do you ever just get like really fucking pissed at something that's not even a big deal? Because that's literally me right now. Why the fuck do some people think that it's fucking okay to just feed bread to ducks like that?

Jesus fucking Christ, I'm honestly so worried about the future of humanity because if they seriously think that feeding ducks bread is going to help them, they're idiots!

The ducks need, I repeat, need to figure out how to get food on their own, or else that'll be the end of it! If only humans weren't so utterly stupid! They're practically killing off an entire species!

Like, is that really how they want to be remembered? As duck murders? That's certainly not how I would like to be remembered.

Me: i hate people so fucking much i s2g

cliffaconda: same

anna: lol why

Me: i'm about to scoop my eyeballs out with plastic fucking spoons

anna: omfg what happened

Me: people are feeding the ducks

alïce: okay what's the problem

Me: ugh they're killing off the entire population of ducks

Me: like why would anyone do that ffs

anna: idk

anna: maybe they're just stupid

Me: maybe

calpal: what

Me: what

Me: ugh

Me: i hate everything

alïce: maria maybe you should go sit down

anna: does anyone wanna get wasted

Me: um

Me: sure

anna: okay

alïce: you guys are so irresponsible what am i going to do with you

ash: You guys should not be getting wasted

anna: jfc ash+alice makes a great couple since your both killjoys smh

Me: smh

lucas: hello:-)

lucas: what's up:-----))))))

Me: that fucking nose im going to shave my head i s2g

lucas: :-(

anna: maria why are you in such a salty mood

Me: because of the goddamn idiots feeding the innocent fucking fucks

Me: *ducks


calpal: WHATS UPP


anna: lol

anna: is u drunk

anna: or nah

calpal: YEPPO

breadstick: ffs calum

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