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internet friends // 5 seconds of summer


this isn't easy for me to post, but as a lot of you know, writing is how i cope with things and let out my emotions.

i wasn't going to post this, but i know how important awareness is.

trigger warning

anna's pov

"Stop it, stop!" I yelled, louder than I have in so long, "Please,"

I felt like nobody could hear my desperate cries for help as I was slammed against the brick wall of the family restroom.

Pressing his hand over my mouth, with more force than he had applied when he dragged me out of the bleachers, he whispered, "If you tell anyone about this, you're dead."

Placing both hands on my hips, I was in no position to escape his grasp, as he jammed his lips onto mine. He violently removed one hand from my hip in order to rip my skirt off my waist and drag it down to my ankles.

Tears streaming down my face, I try to scream for help, but his grip is too tight and I know that no one can hear me.

He's forcing himself into me, leaving all of my innocence behind. My screams around loud enough for anyone to hear. Every part of my body is shaking and I feel as if he knows everything about me.

Clenching my eyes shut, I try to make it all go away. I want to wake up and realize it was just a dream. But it's not a dream. It's real.

I don't know how much time has passed when he lets go of me and is quickly pulling up the zipper on his pants, "Don't tell anyone about this," he says, before running out of the restroom, leaving me there wondering about my own self worth.

Sinking into the floor, my back pressed up against the wall, I let out a loud sob, not caring if anyone can hear me. I tug at my hair, wishing I could do anything to forget what just happened.

I sit in silence for what seems like an eternity before someone knocks at the door. Painfully pulling up my skirt, I look in the mirror and try to collect myself but it's obvious I'm a mess. My makeup is running everywhere and although my hair is short and brown, it looks like a lions mane.

Walking up to the door, I take a deep breath before opening it. The girl standing before me looks about fourteen, she must be a freshman. Long dyed blonde hair is pulled up into a high ponytail, teased and straightened. He cheer uniform is covered in dirt and her makeup was running, just like mine.

She begins to roll her eyes, as she scoffs, "Are you just going to stand there?" A look of utter disgust crosses her face, as I frantically shake my head and she pushes past me, locking herself in the bathroom while I am faced with reality.

People are laughing, smiling, and cheering. I remember when I was a freshman and I went to my first football game. Blossom had told me about how apparently everyone hooks up on Friday nights and fucks in the bathrooms and in the party room at the top of the stadium.

Blossom also told me a story that her brother told her. It was about a girl our age. Someone forced her to do things she didn't want to do. She could've died that night.

He told us that story so we would be careful, so we would be prepared, and so we wouldn't end up in the same situation. I always thought I would be able to handle it if something ever were to happen. I told myself I would kick them in the nuts or bite off their thumb.

internet friends // 5 seconds of summerWhere stories live. Discover now