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internet friends // five seconds of summer



anna's pov

I'm not pretty. I know that. I can admit that. It's taken me a long time to accept that about myself. After having spent years torturing myself with starvation, contacts, hair dye, makeup, and even considering plastic surgery, I have come to the conclusion that I will never be magazines standard of beauty.

My eyes are a dark, chocolatey, shit-colored brown, almost looking demonic. I have short, brown, messy hair, that cannot be tamed, even by the most experienced stylist. My eyebrow game is non-existent and I have light freckles across my nose. Nothing on my face is proportionate or centered. My lips are so thin they might as well not even be there. I am not skinny, like the models in magazines. I am on the heavier side of healthy, and personally, I'm happier this way. Yes, stretch marks line my thighs, as well as self inflicted scars from the years a spent battling depression. I don't have a thigh gap and I have a little puge on my stomach, enough to make a muffin top when wearing shorts that are a little too small.

I'm not exactly sure who decided what's beautiful and what's not, but I think it's all bullshit. Looks shouldn't matter anyways. Yes, I am perfectly aware of how cheesy I sound, but it's true. It really is.

So what if I don't have long, blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes? Who cares if I'm not a size double zero, as long as I'm healthy? Nobody fucking cares. I spent so much time freaking out over my looks and struggling with anxiety because I was so afraid that everyone around me was judging me all the time.

But then I realized something. Nobody really gives a shit about what you look like or what you're doing because they're all too caught up worrying about the exact same thing you are. Everyone around you is judging themselves just as harshly as you do. After all, we are our own biggest critics.

anna: heyy

sex god: aye

anna: hi mikeyy

daddy: You know what would be cool?

sex god: if anna would fuck me?

anna: what

sex god: what

anna: o k

daddy: No, we all met


alice<3: and we'll all drive around in the blue family car?

jackiee: anD MEET IN AVACADO ??


calcumber: sounds fun when do we leave

breadstick: hi

anna: i wanna meet you guys so bad that would be so fun im about to cry what the fuck is wrong with me

sex god: aw don't cry it's okay i'll comfort you

breakstick: aw cute otp #minna

internet friends // 5 seconds of summerWhere stories live. Discover now