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How could Country music help you write?

Country music, of most music genres, is one most likely to tell a story. It's the most handy to help write short stories and cure writer's block. Country music gives you your own story to interpret.

Take Taylor Swift for example, her old music mostly is classed as Country. Her popular song, Love Story, is a Romeo and Juliet based song, like many, that tells a story on forbidden love.

This is what I came up with whilst listening to her song Enchanted:


The room is so empty, even though it's full of people, a feeling I'm used to. Staring around, pretending I'm enjoying myself, wondering if I look ok in a party full of beautiful people. I glanced around, shifting uncomfortably, to meet a stunning pair of hazel-brown eyes.

Those eyes, they would haunt my dreams for eternity, they squinted slightly at me, asking a silent question; have we met? The owner of said eyes pushed himself through dancing couples, before coming to halt in front of me. "What's a girl as beautiful as you doing stood alone in a room full of people?" I blushed, a dark flush on my sinfully pale cheeks as I thought slowly of a reply.

"Too amazing for half the people here I suppose?" I tried to sound confident, but my voice lilted into a insecure question, a hopeful answer awaiting. The man chuckled, his whole face lighting up.

"I'm hoping I'm part of the half not too amazing?" He held out his hand, leaving me, with the blush still in place, to take it and allow him to guide me through the sea of dancing people. "I'm Adam," He grinned, his soft brown hair falling into his shining eyes.


"Well Taylor, it was enchanting to meet you,"


Writer's tip: When you have writer's block, it's good to write several short stories or paragraph's to get your mind back into the swing of things, like I demonstrated. Country music already has a story for you; you just have to put it into your own words.

No-one got the right answer for last week's competition, so there's no prize for anyone. It was a fun competition, but I won't be doing it again because I realised a small snag called searching up lyrics on YouTube. And people still didn't get it.

Stay sweet,


Weekly Question! August 11th, 2013Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora