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Hey guys here are some peoples acheivements inspite of the fate doing them injustice

LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN was a german composer and pianist whose hearing began to deteriorate in his 20s. despite increasing deafness Beethoven continued his work and wrote prodigiously. He composed inspiring pieces of music and continued to conduct and perform even after losing his hearing completely. He believed the beauty of his musicl composition inspite of not being able to hear it himself. It is one of the reasons why he remains one of the most acclaimed and influential composer of all time.

When ELVIS PRESLY , an American musician , actor, was enrolled at humes high school, his music teacher gave him a C in his eighth grade and told him he had no aptitude for singing. The next day, the teenage presly brought his guitar and sang in an effort to prove otherwise. By the time he graduated high school in 1953, presly had already chosen music as his future. Presly, who never received formal music training or learned to read music, sold over 300 million albums during his lifetime and became world renowned KING OF ROCK AND ROLL .

the Wright brothers , orville and Wilbur, were two americans who in 1903 were the first to make brief sustained and controlled powered flights in an aeroplane , which was designed and built by them. In December 1903, the wright brothers took wood and fabric biplane to the sand dunes of kitty hawk, north Carolina. The historic flight-the first powered aeroplane flight - covered 120 feet and was air borne for 12 seconds before landing.

The next time they built the plane they invited the press. Unfortunately the the plane failed to lift off. European newspapers, especially in france , ridiculed them openly , and a vast majority of people, especially in Europe, continued to consider the wrights stopped flyig in November 1905 and made no flights at all during the next two years. Confident of their dreams, when they resumed flying in 1908, they did not only astonish the sceptics, but they taught the world to fly.

In their own way all these peoples set an example of fulfilling the dreams they believed while they could have sobbed at their inability and moved on.... We could all do well to follow in our own lives as well.

Here are some quotes about dreams which I loved

"the future" theysay, belongs to those who "believe" in the, beauty of their "dreams".

"to be a champion, you have to believe in yourself when nobody will" - sugar ray robinson

"you see things;and you say,'why?' but I dream things that never were; and I say, 'WHY NOT?' -GEORGE BENARD SHAW

"remember all things are possible for those who believe" -gali devers

"live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams" - Ashley smith

"dreams are like stars.... You may never touch them,but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny"

"whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power , and magic in it." -goethe

"don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams"

"dreams are pure thoughts, an opportunity to discover yourself"




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