Best Book of the Week

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Hi everyone! Wow, my second column already! I hope you enjoyed the last one, and I hope you'll enjoy this one!

This week's genre of choice is SCIENCE FICTION.


AUTHOR: starlightt

STATUS: Completed


Delaney Escott lives in a world where popularity reigns supreme. If you want to be noticed, social status is everything. The government is run by the Superiors: a very exclusive group of individuals who are virtually flawless. They are smarter than us, stronger than us, and to join their ranks is the highest honor. The Superiors pay an annual visit to the top schools in the nation and evaluate the students, choosing one boy and one girl - the most Popular in the school - to go the Capitol and train for Superiority. Delaney thinks that she's the only one indifferent to (and perhaps even suspicious of) the Superiors; until Caleb Payne, the most popular boy in school, approaches her with a request. He has a task for her, one that he believes only she can do. And in completing this task, Delaney discovers that the government is hiding many secrets - and that the truth of the Superiors is far from what people believe it to be.

[Watty Awards 2012 Winner, Science-Fiction: On the Rise]

MY INTRODUCTION: Delaney Escott is a high school computer whizz and the only one who is suspicious of a seemingly perfect government. She is alone in her suspicions until one fateful day she is approached by none other than Caleb Payne- the most popular boy in her school, the top canditate to become a member of the same perfect government- called the Superiors. Each year the most popular boy and girl in each top school are selected as part of the Superiors, and years before, Caleb's own brother had been selected. After being chosen, he had disappeared, and Caleb sees that every other Superior had done the same. He worries about his brother, and his own fate if he is picked. There is only one person who may be able to help him- Delaney Escott. The story centres around her as she is unwittingly drawn into what threatens the only world her society has known...and the scariness of a loomng end to the Superior minority. The world crumbles around Delaney and her friends, as they become the only ones who can save and even change the world- for better or for worse.

WHY THIS BOOK IS THE BEST BOOK OF THE WEEK: Not only was it the 2012 winner of the Watty Awards- Science Fiction: On the Rise category, it is an interesting story that draws you in to the danger and suspense- while still focusing on the close bonds that bring together for high schoolers tangled up in it all. Commentors have had only good things to say, and the author writes in a way that carries you in and traps you in the elegant wording. Even though it seems unreal, most readers can relate to the story in some way or another. While there were readers who wanted romance in the story, the author has given them something better in the form of a story that they can all love, not least because it is inspiring and something every member of the Watty World should read.

OVERALL: It's a great book to read and something no sane reader will regret. It's got the things all good books should have- suspense, a fantastic plot, and characters that you grow to love. The ending is thought provoking- a rare commodity in the world of Happy Ever Afters. If you want a read that is a little more complex than Vogue, this is the best book for you!

COOL CONTEST: Next week's column will be focused on Fantasy, so if you've read or written a book of that genre, drop me a line @MissReadingLover or leave a comment. Enter as many books as you like, and your entry could just be featured in next week's column. And to last weeks entrants who didn't win...every entry really rocked, so hang in there! There will definitely be other Sci- Fi columns. Also, if your book is in this week's genre as well as last week's, ENTER it! It may win this time, and as an added bonus, the author receives a dedication too!

Until next week,


Weekly Question! August 11th, 2013Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon