The Present to the Past

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Over here! I'm in the Tardis! *waves*

You're probably looking at this right now with eyes like this >O_O.

No wonder. :D

Anyhow...I'm sure you've all heard that Peter Capaldi is the new doctor who? What do you think of him? A good choice? Or have they chosen the wrong person? I'm intrigued so please comment ^_^.

Anyway we're going to borrow the Tardis this week and go back in time!

If you had a time machine and could do back to a moment in history, where would you go?

I personally would go to Ancient Rome or Greece.

My love of mythology draws me to there. I would love to see what they did to worship the gods, how they lived life and how the gods came about? WHY did they worship Zeus/Jupiter? Poseidon/Neptune? I have so many questions but I would end up rambling and you would become bored. ^_^ Though you could already be bored...

Hopefully my super awesome random history facts on Italy shall awaken you from the slumber you have encountered whilst reading this column. :D

1. When McDonalds opened in Rome, 1986, food purists waited outside giving away free pasta to remind people of their culinary heritage! Protest with Pasta People! :D

2. The University of Rome is one of the oldest universities and was founded by the Catholic Church in A.D 1303.

3. The Leaning tower of Pisa was built in 1173 and began to lean soon after. Due to weak foundations engineers have declared, after attempts to reconstruct it, (2008) that the the Leaning Tower of Pisa would collapse in about 200 years.

So that's it for another week! You are free from reading this nonsense. And no contest this week :)



Weekly Question! August 11th, 2013Where stories live. Discover now