Quotes of the Week

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Hi there! This is Juice. It's my second column (i missed the last column *sob* Just Kidding).

Ever heard of this quote?

'''Would you tell me which way I ought to walk from here?''

''That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,'' said the Cat.

''I don't much care where - " said Alice.

''Then it doesb't matter which way to walk,'' said the Cat.'

Does it seem familiar? I don't know for you, but it sure is familiar to me! Where is it from? It's from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, otherwise known as the Disney movie Alice In Wonderland. This is quoted from the scene where Alice asks the Cheshire Cat for directions.

This is one of my absolutely favorite quotes. Why? Lots of people are like Alice. They ask for directions while they don't know where they want to get to. So why not just decide where you want to go?

To decide where you want to get to, you begin with the end in mind (another quote from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens) . Why is it so important to begin with the end in mind? Quoted from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens:

'You've just been asked to put together a jigsaw puzzle. Having done many puzzles before, you're excited to get started. You pour out all 1,000 pieces, spreading them across a large table. You then pick up the lid to the box to look at what you're putting together. But there's no picture! it's blank! how will you ever be able to finish the puzzle without knowing what it looks like, you wonder? If only you had a one-second glimpse of what it's supposed to be. That's all you need. What a difference you would make! Without it, you don't have a clue where even to start.

Now think about your own life and your 1,000 pieces. Do you have an end in mind? Do you have a clear picture of who you want to be one year from now? Or are you clueless?'

Author Sean Covey challenges readers to imagine our futures. I bet many Wattpadders' dream is to be a published author! So let's picture ourselves as we want us to be. This is from page 74, which is about Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind. This is a very inspirational quote for me.

So readers, I am now challenging you. Do you have any inspirational quotes of your own? And, can you picture yourself as you want to be? Comment below or PM me as @JuiceIsDelish !

I'm gonna host a contest!!! Go to the Weekly Contest! page and find out what you can do so YOU can win!

Weekly Question! August 11th, 2013Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя