13 H0urs

56 18 2

Even cold coffee can keep you awake, but it can't freeze time, Adam.

The phrase was stuck in my head. Stuck was an understatement; it was plastered in front of my eyes every time I exhaled, every time I served a customer. I went through several makings of Fraps and coffee, but I never managed to pour the ice and mix into the cup properly. The liquid would slip past the rim, and tumble onto my apron. Janice was especially spiteful, but I didn't take notice. 

All I could think of is that stupid note. 

It was impossible. I had to read it more than once to make sure it was there. I had so many questions swirling in my head, so many that I couldn't catch up with myself. First threat messages, then physical damage, and now horror notes found in everyday objects? How did Unknown manage to put a note in the first straw, knowing it would be the first one I would pick up? 

At the end of my shift, I sat on one of the tables. It was five PM, and I was already terror-struck. I just sat there, my face buried in my hands. My phone was laying down beside my elbow, and it began to vibrate. I jumped like someone punched me, thinking it was another text - but it was Aria. This was the third time she called me today, and honestly, I didn't feel like talking to anyone. 

I looked over at Reece, who gave up trying to make conversation. He covered my shift, but he was flirting with two younger girls, who giggled in front of the counter. Despite all my worry, I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at him. Suddenly Reece pointed at me, and the girls's cheeks flushed red. 

Oh God. He was doing this thing were he tried to hook me up with someone, even though he knows it won't and never will work. Besides, how old were these girls? Seventeen? 

One of them gathered confidence and grabbed the seat beside me. She sat down haughtily, and glanced at my flustered face. 

"Hey." She grinned, showing me a back row of her teeth. I just stared at her rudely. She had really big, fake lips that pouted when she spoke. Her mouse hair was iron-straight, with a set of fake blue eyes that were way out of tone with her skin.

Never happening. 

I sat back from my tense position and crossed my arms, looking away. 

"I'm Mia," She continued desperately, and she edged her chair closer to me. I resisted a growl at the back of my throat. "I'm from Canada. How about you? What's your name?"

I spoke grudgingly after a few seconds. "Adam." 

"Cool!" Mia squealed suddenly, and I jerked back in surprise at the sudden pitch of my voice. Then she laughed shakily. "Sorry. I get nervous around guys like you." 

I cleared my throat, giving her a look. "Guys like me?" I echoed. 

She blushed. 

I ran a hand through my thick dark hair and stood up hastily. My chair hit that wall with a thud, and Mia's muscles tensed under her thin layer of skin. Being the annoyed person I was, I kicked the chair back and just walked out of the conversation. 

I was heading towards Reece, who was beginning to cower away. 

"Sorry dude! Sorry! I mean, since you lost Olivia, I was hoping-" 

I switched gears when I was facing him. Instead, I  walked straight past him, out of Gloria Jean's. 

Later that day, I staggered into the house, feeling light headed. I had just returned from a pleasant journey to the Fox and Hound, a bar near my apartment. I didn't remember how much I drank; all I knew is that I was trying to push something to back of my head, but I didn't remember what. 

Your wasting time, Adam, A small voice in my head startled me. I groaned, trying to make sense of the blur around me. My couch and TV were just a mass of colors, and the room was tilting around. I don't even remember who dropped me home...I must've went walking, looking like some freak alcoholic. 

I stumbled into my bathroom, and I swear it was just pure luck that that was the place I fell into. I threw up all over the sink, and a wave of exhaustion crawled over me like dark wave. I felt like sleeping right there just that moment, and for a moment I was sure that I was going to black out. But then I blinked away the white stars away from my vision, and just stood there in the white light, swaying. 

"Aria..." I mumbled. She must be asleep, but for some reason I really wanted to see her. I wanted to see her beautiful face, something to remind me of reality. I wanted to see Bella. I wanted to do so much. 

But then that voice came again, screaming at me about time. Maybe it was time - I couldn't even hear properly. I closed my eyes for a second. 

But then when I opened them, the world came crashing down, and I collapsed. 

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