34 h0urs

52 12 3

SORRY GUYS! It has been a week of exams for me, so I'm barely managing to sneak on these days. Plus, I had to leave some kind of a cliffhanger :P oh and this is not properly edited because it was made on my phone, but enjoy anyway! This is dedicated to TheGarde for always sticking to the story as many as you are :)

~the thirty-fourth hour~

"All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart." -Tehereh Mafi

I couldn't distinguish what seemed to be a dream and what seemed to be reality. 

And at one point it just really didn't matter. 

I was buried for what seemed like the next days in holes of endless, vacant darkness. I forgot everything, avoided the thin line of the world of real and unreal. My shoulder— what happened to it? It felt like it was torn out of place. But again, everything seemed out of place.

I felt as if I lost my mind along with my collarbone. I was blacked out, unconscious and in dreadful stings and heavy thoughts. Every time I thought that I woke up, I would see the pale corners of white walls, then black fingers would take over my vision and control the rest of me again.

But I was sure of one thing. I did wake up somewhere in between, and for real this time, not just my usual glimpse and gasps for air. It was the first time that I didn't black out after the first five seconds. 

I had lifted my heavy eyelids barley noticing what was going on. I had an etched frown onto my face as I tried to make out what was happening. 

I could see black. But this time it was hugging the shape of a person; the same person that saved me from Mr. Lakes. I couldn't see it's face; the black hooded person was looking in the opposite direction, head down and shuffling with something on a metal table. He hadn't sensed my presence of waking up.

Using my first initiative I tried to weakly get up, but then I was held back down. I felt fear rise in my chest as I looked down at my hands. 

They were bound to the bed with black straps. Suddenly I panicked, and my lungs screamed for air. I did the mistake of thrashing in the bed, wildly trying to overcome the haze in my mind and just be free until the figure turned around. 

I wish I saw its face.

Instead, a dark cloak covered his/her face so I couldn't see the eyes. It kept its head low and caught me trying to free myself. 

"Shit!" The unknown person cursed, much to my surprise, and came towards me, covering the small room in two strides. I was in too much of a dizzy and exhausted state to recognize the voice or even hear it clear for that matter. In fact I have my doubts that the person actually said something. 

I tried to speak but the words were stuck in my mouth. I tried to scream but it felt like to much of an effort. I could only get out two words. 

"Are you--?" I croaked, followed by choking and spluttering nonsense. I tried again as the human dressed in the dark clothes hovered over my body holding a syringe. 

I tried again. "Are you..." 

Before I could finish my sentence the needle was plunged into my arm without a second's hesitation. Within seconds my vision was blurring, and the darkness of my kidnappers clothes and the fluorescent lights of the ceiling clashed together. 

I managed to groan out a few words. "You son of a-" 

And then, for the second time, I was 'disputably' dead. 

Sorry guys, it's kind of a filler chapter and shorter than usual. Like I said, I'm finding diffuculty with time management. Enjoy what's left of your day x

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