47 h0urs

28 8 1

~the forty-seventh hour~

"We fight and die so that the things we believe in don't." -Semper Fidelis.

* * *

So that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I was cuffed again for the second time in three days and sent to the police station for some more criminal records to be scribbled into their handbooks. More reason to believe the for-now-unfound-bodies were killed because of me. 

I dragged my fingers down my face so it sagged as Reynolds asked me another question. I wasn't listening. All I could see was the image of me tearing Unknown's throat to bits. 

My anonymous messenger was trying to make my tasks unbelievably hard. I still had 6 more crimes to do and only 17 hours left before I may never see Bella again. And if there still wasn't enough on my plate, I had no choice to attend my best friend's wedding who might ask me to be his best man. When I had gone to work the previous day, I overheard Janice gossiping with my co-workers that Reece had no friends, therefore he couldn't have a best man. 

"Browning!" The officer barked when I didn't reply. "Where were you before you witnessed the crime scene?" 

I grunted at the astonishing story of where I actually had been. "Trapped in..." My voice cracked. 

"Speak up, son."

"Trapped in an elevator," I said loudly and started to pick at my cuticles to avoid seeing his expression. I knew it didn't sound convincing, but the broken elevator was proof. 

"Do you know who the anonymous caller could be?" 

I sighed audibly. The answer wasn't exactly a pin in a haystack. "No idea." 

He looked up at me. "You know this caller could mean trouble, right? We may have to do this several times, at least until the fingerprint results show up.

"So you were with Bella, right?" He frowned upon his notes and took his time. I got impatient as he scanned through the pages and added words to them for endless minutes. I refrained slamming my hand against the table to tear him from his undying concentration.

"Officer, please," I interrupted his writing and leaned forward. "I really, really need to leave. I swear I'm innocent." 

He took my words to the opposite direction and leaned back. "Why? You got somewhere you need to be?" 

I shuffled my feet and cleared my throat uncomfortably. "Yeah. Yeah, I've got things to do," I told him and lifted my chin up defensively. "I need to pick up a suit for my friend's wedding, which is tomorrow mid-day." 

"Well, we wouldn't want to hold you back, would we?" 

I stared back at him, looking for answer, but I was all dried up. 

Suddenly his walkie talkie released a static sound, then a female voice piped in. "We've got an emergency on 43 coast." 

Reynolds grabbed it and held it to his mouth. "I'm on my way." He stood up from his desk and called out to someone else named Grace to sit by with me. He hastily left the room as his co-worker came over to me. 

"Am I free to leave?" I asked her before she was face-to-face with me, the urgency to finish the list dawning on me. Grace tucked a blonde strand of hair behind her ear and sat in Reynolds's chair. I caught her eyes flickering wearily at the door, then looked around, even though we were the only people in the office. 

"Um...hello?" I croaked uneasily. Grace gazed for a long moment behind my shoulder, and I followed her eyes to the camera sitting in the corner. She nodded curtly at it. What the hell was going on? 

The female officer sat up, the chair gliding across the floor. I frowned as she locked the door quickly and pulled the binders down so that the room darkened a bit. I felt my heart skip a beat. Last time I looked, officers weren't payed to lock themselves in rooms with prisoners. Grace crammed three pieces of pink gum into her mouth and chewed obnoxiously and furiously.

"Can you please tell me what is going on?" I demanded, though I made no attempt to move from my chair. Grace, as usual, didn't reply and peeked through the binders instead. 

After another few minutes of popping extra gum into her mouth and checking the door with paranoia, Grace flounced back to the desk in front of me and sat back in the chair. I bit my tongue when she rudely lifted her feet onto the desk and chewed loudly. She offered me a piece of bubblegum without a word. 

I stared at her, then at the gum.

She shrugged and stuffed the packet back into her uniform pocket. She crossed her arms and started humming. I don't take my eyes off her, trying to digest her, to put it mildly, strange attitude. 

"Adam Browning," Grace said, her mouth curling in satisfactory as she pronounced my first name. "Adam. I like that." 

She continued to hum and checked the notes that Reynolds had carefully written down. She paused mid-hum and read, "'Mr. Browning had reportedly been in the elevator while the victim had been stabbed. Staff says that the elevators were operating perfectly fine.' Now that's weird." 

"What do you want?" I interrupted her, and Grace put the set of papers onto the wooden desk. 

"My good sir, the real question is, what do you want?"

"I don't have time for these stupid riddles. You know you could get arrested for this, nonetheless of the fact that you are an officer yourself," I snapped, looking at her posture up and down. 

"Who said I was an officer?" She said with a snarky smile. "You know what you need?" 

"To get out of this hellhole." 

"I think you need information." She paused. Her eyes were dancing. "About Unknown.

I hitched my breath. There was no way this was possible. 

"What do you know about Unknown?" 

Grace ignored me again. "Why do you think I'm here?" 

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" 

"To get you out of here," She replied, like she was repeating memorized lines. "We don't want you to rot, do we?"

*  *  *

A/N: I APOLOGIZE FOR MY SINCERE LAZINESS. i'm the worst wattpadian ever. it took me forever to update and i'm sorry! at least we're getting somewhere with this story. i hope you enjoyed it <3 have an awesome day. 


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