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Me and faith were at the mall when I saw something that made me want to run home and go to my laptop!!
Come here and look at dis !!
I pushed her to a poster saying
Sao becomes real!!! Go to to become a beta tester!!
Me and faith screamed and payed for our stuff and ran to the train to our house.
Because Sao is becoming a reality and they need beta testers!!
Damn imma get my laptop!!
I'll be right back
Soon enough we all admited our entrys hopefully we can get accepted!
As soon as I close my laptop I get a new text
(Y/n):me and the others already submitted them😎
Shine:damn imma do that tonight in a vid😭
(Y/n):lol can't wait to see it
Shine:thanks gotta go!
(Y/n): okay
OoOoO (y/n) gots a boyfriend!!
No I don't were just friends!!!
You just say that....
Shut up.....
I blush walking away flipping Cody off as I go to my room
I change into my naruto shirt and some jeans because I changed into pjs when I came back from the mall. Me and einshine were gonna have a sleepover but at shines house so I packed a backpack and waited after 10 because at 10 were gonna go to a hatsaun miku concert and come back at 12. This is gonna be fun!! Me and einshine became best friends since I saw him he knows more about me than faith now! Well anyways I get a notification saying einshine put up a new video
-----------time skip to end of vid and you going to his house-------------
Oh shine you waited till night to do this? I thought to myself.
I knocked on shines door and he answered grabbing my backpack and throwing it inside telling me if I got my phone charger and money.
Yea why?
Because my family came to visit me and if a girl comes over they get excited...
Don't laugh at my pitty
I will you mortal!!
Shut up and get into my car we gotta get to the concert!
--------------time skip to concert---------
Whooooooooppppp!!! I tried to balance my self well but failed so I ended up hugging shine by his neck. What are you talking about you might be thinking.well because shine could see well enough because he was taller than me by a few inches I got sad and he offered to lift me in his shoulders and I accepted he just held my legs and I was waving my arms like crazy seeing hatsaun miku singing my favorite song
The world is mine.but had to lose my balance and hug shine by his neck because at that time the stage people pulled out the couples cam and pointed it to people who seemed like couples we were the last ones on it and " yay' It landed on us...
Both of us blushed because the last couple has to kiss in front of the camera and millions of people watching it on tv to win a back stage pass.. Shine looked up at me blushing I looked down at him blushing harder...he lifted me off his shoulders and grabbed my head to tilt to the side a little and....
He kissed me.
After what seemed a long time we separated to breathe air.
(Y/n) I know we met about 1 or 2 weeks ago but I fell in love with you so will you be my girlfriend?
Yes! Shine I love you too
He kissed me again and smiled thank you for making me the happiest otaku on earth..
-------------time skip back home-------
When me and einshine came back to his house we were stopped by a surprise with Joey kat Cody Ethan faith Ricardo sharlla and shines family looking at us.
We looked confused but then Joey spoke up
So (y/n) how was your kiss?
I blushed madly and shine did too
Damn you all you were watching tv again weren't you shine said to everyone.t
We got sick and mad and embarrassed  from every one
Me and shine just went up to his room and went to sleep after changing. I slept happily knowing my favorite YouTuber and crush is now my boyfriend I knew this was by fate or chance..

Einshine x reader! By fate or chance!Where stories live. Discover now