Pantsu....wait what?!

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Your p.o.v
I woke up to the sound of sponge bob on the t.v I look around and get confused because I really don't remember what happened last night at the party but all I know is
Shine has no shirt in exept a bra on,
Joey has 5 henti mangas all over him ,
Kat is on the couch with a pantsu on her head,
Ethan is by the t.v hugging a soda,
Cody is hugging faith with both of them being surrounded by a huge salt circle ,
And Ricardo
Oh my gawd Ricardo
Ricardo is wrapped in a burrito blanket covered with stickynotes and he's hugging a burrito
And me I wake up wrapped in a blanket hugging a soda too . I get up and go get some water "shit what the hell happened last night...." I mumble to my self I sit on the little table and watch sponge bob waiting for anyone to wake up
I look over and see Joey awake out if everyone
"Good morning henti man"

"What the fuck happened....and why are my henti mangas here?!"

"One, I don't know,two,those are your mangas?!"

"Yes they are"

He gets up and grabs a cup of coffee and sits next to me

"Well I'm watching sponge bob with you, little one"

"Just wait for the rest to wake up and make sure there's more coffee "

"Yes ma'am"
[short time skip]
Slowly everyone was waking up and asking why they were like how they were ,after Ethan, kat,faith and Ricardo woke up we waited for shine and Cody to get up
I saw as shine woke up
He put up his arm waiting for me,I walked over to him and grabbed his arm
"Yes shine?"

"Tell me...why do I have a bra on?"

"I don't know I woke up hugging a soda so I don't know what happened"
He got up and went to get coffee after that we all just cleaned and Cody is still sleeping
"When is Cody going to get up?"
"I don't know kat....I don't know"
I giggled at faiths and Kats  conversation as I kept looking at sponge bob
"Well....I now know why you and your boyfriend Cody there woke up with salt..."
"Then tell me why"
"Well I told Cody that here in Japan the evil spirits don't take over couples if they sleep in a circle of salt..."
"Come on Joey!!! I have salt in my shirt man!!"
"Sorry faith sorry I had to"
I walked to kick Cody because he wouldn't wake up.i picked Cody and still he wouldn't wake up and that left one thing I asked shine if he had any markers he got me some and there the painting began!!
-time skip-
Shine p.o.v
After (y/n) was done drawing on codys face I just out random pantsu on his head
"pantsu...wait what?"
I looked at (y/n) "yep pantsu you have to have them"

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