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•short little chapter I'm just in writers block I have no idea what to put after this,if you have any ideas please tell me!!~killer_rose25•
Your p.o.v
As I walked into my room I throw my self on my bed I take my phone out and scroll through all my social media and Emails, first off emails. I scrolled through my emails opening one at a time randomly,"a love letter,another love letter,fan art...more fan art..." I muttered to my self as I scrolled.
I moved on to Facebook and looked at my notifications. A few from groups I'm in and a few from the last post I put , on to Twitter!, and again looked at my  notifications and muttered to my self "more followers,more retweets,and more of everything!"
Lastly but not least, Instagram you have to include that little crap. I opened Instagram and decided to scroll through my feed,I scrolled and scrolled and liked pictures until I stopped at one, it's was a selfie of Sam and shine with both of them doing...a yandere cosplay..? Sam was in a yandere school girl outfit while I think shine was wearing "senpai's" clothes
I started laughing and sharing the picture on all my social media "oh how I love power" I said to my self,soon after a few minutes of sharing the picture I got a text
Shine:YOUR EVIL (Y/N)!!
Me:what? No I'm all innocent.
Me:what picture..ohh that picture well it's a good one!
Shine:just wait till I get my hands on you..
"I'm such a nice girlfriend " I mutter to my self once again

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