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Your p.o.v
(Y/n) wake up
Wake up
Wake up
I'll throw you off the bed
I'm up!!
Finally I've been trying to wake you up for 500 years!!
Don't exaggerate shine
It's true...
Well what do you want to do today? I ask sitting up on shines bed ( you spent the night at einshines house)
I don't know what do you want to do?
I don't know either..
Then just get changed and we'll go get ice cream for breakfast!
I changed in to some jeans and a (f/c) shirt and a flannel... I just love flannels
I put on my (f/c) converse and did my morning rituals.
(Y/n) YOU READY?! Shine asked screaming up stairs.
YUP!!! I grabbed my lil backpack with had my money, phone,charger and things that would be in a purse. I walk down stairs to see shine getting ready to scream something
-------time skip to ice cream---------
Shines p.o.v
We're here!
Yay ice cream!! Come on last person in eats banana ice cream!!
Hell naw I refuse to eat banana!
I got in teasing (y/n) that I won the battle
You win this round...
Well let's order!
We go to the cashier guy and ordered
Can I have some vannila ice cream?
One cone.. The man mumbles. And for you sir? Umm cotton candy ice cream!
He did random stuff and we paid
Thank you come again!
We sat at a random table
So (y/n) what is everyone doing today?
Well Cody and faith are going to see dead pool again.. Ethan is going to search for thing for a new video and Ricardo is still sick. And I'm here with you! What you guys doing?
Well Joey is watching hentai kat is doing stuff for manga and drawing and I just have to get home and upload a vid
Oo can I see early?
Yea you can but for a price!
What is that price?
Give me your ice cream noob!
I am no noob and deal!
I gave her my phone with the video playing.i eat the ice cream I got from (y/n) Hearing giggles time to time
Damn why is she so adorable!! I think to my self.
---your p.o.v---
Here's your phone back. How do you come up with funny random things?
By being funny and random of course!
I giggle more in going to the mall for more medicine and a prop Ethan asked me to get want to come or drop me off?
I'll go with you!
Then off to narnia!
Hey we are at narnia..
Then to the land of oz!!
Look who's talkin
----time skip----------
Come on shine were almost done with this boring day we have to keep searching for that hatsaun miku cosplay!
Why again?
Because I'm cosplaying as her for a video!
That's the prop you need?!
Yes and were at the last cosplay shop and no costume!
Come on this is Japan how do we not have one!
I don't know
Wait I know this store it's down. The block it has cosplays mabey they have one there!
Then run man run its almost dark!!
We run as fast as flash down and through the block if people until we reach it
It's here stop!
I stop looking in seeing a hatsaun miku cosplay
Yes!! Shine grab it imma pay for it!
-----time skip to main mall----
Finally we can go home! Shine cried out
I'm going straight to bed just send my things over
We walk to a stop light seeing the car across the street my sight goes to a pack of a big brother and his little sister. The brother looking about 15 and little sister about 8 I smile remembering when I shared times like that before the thing with my older brother.....I keep looking at them crossing the street but then I see a truck going at full speed towards them my eyes widen i drop my things running to push them or save them
(Y/N) NO!
I ingnor shine running to the siblings I wrap my arms around the boy and girl hugging them like a mother would just 5 seconds before it all went black.
---einshines p.o.v---------
I see (y/n) dropping everything running to a boy and girl about to be hit by a fast truck
(Y/N) NO!!
She ignores me getting I front of the kid and teen hugging them like a mom and... No I run to her limp body dropping my!
I look over at the two kids seeing them with injuries being hugged by their mother and father crying the looking at me. I look back at (y/n) crying
Wake up please!!
I yelled in Japanese for someone to help and call the ambulance only for me to be held back and the paramedics taking (y/n)
Hey let me go I'm her boyfriend!! I need to be with her!!
I say still in Japanese
I'm sorry sir you have to go on car following or just wait the guy holding me back saying.
I keep resisting seeing (y/n)'s ambulance go off farther and faster I fall to my knees after the guy let's me go
I feel some little hands trying to get my attention. It was the boy and little girl
I'm sorry mister... The little girl say almost crying
I'm sorry as well sir if only we were more careful..
No it's ok she did it and your alive it was the guy who was driving who has to be careful
The mother of the kids come to me asking if they could get my number so they can go tell thank you (y/n) for saving their children's life's. After that I rush off to the hospital

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