Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Samantha Richardson, hurry up! You don't want to be late for the first day of school, do you?" My mom shouted from downstairs, her voice sadly being the first thing I typically woke up to in the morning.

I groaned loudly and rolled over on my bed to look at the time, that instantly causing me to jolt up in surprise.

"Shit!" I murmured, cursing my broken alarm for not waking me up on time. I ran to the bathroom, feeling my fluffy, purple carpet underneath my bare feet.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick, steamy shower. I came out and brushed my naturally curly chestnut-colored hair. I applied a little make-up, just a little lip gloss and eyeliner. I looked through my wardrobe for something to wear. I had to look pretty decent for my first day of school.

I chose my black and white letterman jacket that had a white S on the top. Underneath, I wore a simple red v-neck shirt that was kind of tight, but hugged all my curves nicely. I chose light blue skinny jeans and matched them with my white converse. I gave myself one last check in my long, bronze mirror and jogged downstairs to our kitchen.

Mom was making breakfast and my annoying little brother, who was 3 years younger than me, was sitting at the counter slurping up cereal obnoxiously.

I eyed a piece of toast sitting on the counter and grabbed it before finding my book bag, munching on the toast quickly.

"Bye mom. Bye Ferdinand" I said twisting the door handle and glancing at my brother who shot me a glare. He hated it when anybody called him by his first name. Everybody called him Ferdy or Freddy instead.

I walked down the block and took in the fresh air. The early morning sun's rays shined on my face, almost blinding me. Birds chirped every where and a gentle breeze flew in the air. I heard a honk from behind me. I turned around to see my boyfriend's red Ferrari.

"Ethan! I thought you weren't picking me up today." I said to him and quickly scrambled into his car.

"Surprise, surprise babe." He said, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously. He leaned over and gave me a quick peck on my cheek.

Ethan started the engine and then looked in the mirror in the flap thing that was above the window. He patted down some loose strands of his blonde hair into his quiff and looked at his face. He was wearing a tight red polo shirt that hugged all of his muscles nicely and khakis.

"You look fine Ethan, now lets go." I said to him. I was going to be so late today.

"Thanks babe, but not as fine as a hot thang like you." He said and winked at me.

"You're so corny." I said rolling my eyes but then chuckling.

He sped down the road, surely not following the speed limit. We passed many big houses in a well-off neighborhood. My hair flew all around me and in my eyes too, because my window was down.

We rolled into our high school and instantly, everybody's eyes were glued to us and Ethan's car. What can I say? We were the popular's.

I stepped out of the car and Ethan joined me by sliding his arm around my waist. We walked, more like strutted, into the building. I could hear whispers arise from the hallway. Everybody was talking about us. The school's most attractive couple. I gave Ethan a quick kiss on his lips and walked off to my Honors English class. What? I was a pretty smart kid...

I took a seat beside my best friend, Phoebe, who had ginger hair that fell to her mid-back and piercing green eyes.

"Hey!" She greeted me.

"Hi!" I replied and she started chattering about her summer and the things she did. We didn't really get to hang out a lot this summer, because of the various camps and vacations we went to.

I was about to tell her what I did all summer, but I was interrupted by our teacher Mr. Robinson shutting the door and starting class.

"I hope you all have had a nice summer. Now you may think, that you won't be doing anything barely on the first week of school, but you all are wrong. I want to get started right away. " Mr. Robinson said. The whole class groaned including me. I feel like he was going to be a strict teacher all year.

"Now we will be doing a writing essay." He said and someone from the back of the class boo'ed. Everybody else laughed and Mr. Robinson glared at the person, but you could see amusement dancing in his eyes.

"With a partner." He finished and this time the class cheered. This class is going to be pretty interesting this year.

"Now I will pick two people from this bucket and you two will be partners. Okay?" Mr.Robinson asked and we all nodded our heads. He picked names from the bucket and matched them together. I waited for my name patiently.

Finally, I heard Mr.Robinson call my name. He looked at me before returning to his task. Then he dug through the bucket and pulled out a slip.

I didn't know how much that little piece of paper would change my life.

Note: You guys like it? It'll get better as you read on, I promise!

Vote/Comment/Promote please. It means so much to me.

I love you all so much,

(Vote if you want to know what that piece of paper said)

The Dare (Marcel/ Harry Styles FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang