Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

YouRBeyoutiful got the dedication for guessing the song right first! It was Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. I like the song, but the video? Not so much. 

I decided to update, because I finally got over the major writer's block I had! Enjoy my lovelies<3









Marcel's POV:
I followed Sam out of the cafeteria. I quickened my pace when I reached the hallway. I saw her crouched by the corner of the lockers. I went and sat beside her.

"Sam I didn't mean it." I explained, reaching for her hand. She moved her hand away and turned her back towards me.

"Save it Marcel. I actually thought you might care for me when you fucking kissed me and saved me Friday from practically getting raped." She said, breaking down at the last part and crying hysterically.

"I didn't mean to call you that! I thought you were somebody else." I replied, referring to what happened in the cafeteria a few minutes ago.

"But you still would've said it to anybody else. You're just a two-faced freak." She said quietly. Her sobs died down and she didn't say anything more. Our steady breathing could be heard in the quiet hallway. The chatter of kids came from the nearby cafeteria. Her words echoed in my brain. Two-faced freak? 

I knew sometimes the good Marcel would surface when I was being the bad Marcel. I couldn't help it.

You're so close. Wake up Marcel.

It was that voice again. It kept telling me to wake up. Where was it coming from?

"But I do care for you..." I whispered.

"Sure you do. That's why you stopped talking to me." She said, roughly.

"Well in case you don't know, you broke my heart. For the first time in my life, I actually thought somebody liked me for me. But no. It was all a lie!" I spat at her and got up. I turned around and started walking to the cafeteria, shaking my head. I felt a small tug on my wrist and I turned on my heel to face her.

"I did like you. Once I got to know you, I didn't even think about the stupid dare." She revealed.

"Then why didn't you tell me about it? Why did your boyfriend have to tell me in the end?" I argued. I watched as she bowed her head, with shame written on her face.

"I didn't want to hurt you..." She murmured.

"Well I actually got more hurt when I found out by your fucking boyfriend!" I snapped. Tears threatened to slip out from her small eyes.

"And that was the mistake I made... Please forgive me. It's been a year now. I still love you." She pleaded.

"How can you love a two-faced freak like me?" I restated. So many emotions swirled around in my head. Anger, grief, sorrow, and a tinge of ecstasy from her saying she loved me, still.

"I didn't mean that." She whispered, fumbling with her fingers.

"I know I've changed. And I like the way I am now. If you don't like it, then you don't have to talk to me." I said. She shook her head and reached for my hand. I moved my hand out of the way, but she still managed to grab it.

"I like you either way." She said entwining her fingers with mine. As soon as I felt the contact of her hand on mine, a bubbly feeling arose inside of me. My stomach churned and I don't think it was because of the little food I ate.

"You sure?" I smirked.

"Positive." She assured.

"How positive?" I asked, with a sly grin plastered on my face. I knew I was irking her nerves, but I loved seeing her annoyed.

"110%" She grinned. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed my lips gently. I encircled my arm around her waist, like it belonged there.

"So we're good?" I asked, smiling a little. I hadn't smiled in a while, before Sam came skipping back into my life.

She nodded her head and let go of my hand. She gathered her stuff and walked down the hallway to her next class.


"Hey buddy! You wanna see what Uncle Marcel got you?" I asked my little nephew and lifted him up into my arms. I was at my cousin's house. It was my little nephew, Bobby's 7th birthday. They were having a party and Bobby had invited his friends. Stacia, my cousin, had told me that I was invited too. I was Bobby's favorite uncle.

"Yes, yes, yes!" He chanted excitedly while clapping his small hands.

"Now Marcel, you know the rules. No gift opening until everybody comes." Stacia said pointing her finger at me.

"C'mon just one present mummy!" Bobby whined.

"Yeah just one present." I said giving her my puppy-dog face. I cracked a grin as she waved her hand and told us to do whatever we wanted.

"And that's how you convince your mum to let you do something." I said winking at Bobby. He giggled and reached for his present.

He happily tore open the wrappings and beamed as he saw the box.

"A nerf gun? You're the best uncle ever!" Bobby shouted and hugged me tightly. He opened the box and pulled the neon orange and green gun out. He hopped out of my arms and ran towards the back of the house. I followed him and laughed as I saw him point the gun at Stacia. She turned around and put a hand on her heart, because he had scared her.

"Bobby don't scare me like that again!" She exclaimed. He nodded his head and shot something.

"Thanks a lot for getting him a nerf gun!" Stacia said to me, shaking her head while placing a hand on her forehead as if she had a headache.

"Sorry." I shrugged, smirking at her.

We heard a knock at the door and Bobby's footsteps could be heard as he ran to the door. He had an expression on his face that showed he was just about to burst from happiness. I smiled at his reaction as he opened the wooden door to reveal one of his friends with his mother. His mother greeted me with a smile and I returned the gesture.

Stacia came and took them to the backyard where the birthday party was being held. I followed them and decided to help fill up some water balloons. I smiled to myself as I watched Bobby chase around his friend. He fell once in the mossy green grass. I was ready to go help him up, but a second later he was up and playing around again.

I closed the rusty tap as I filled up the last balloon with water. I'd dropped a lot of them, because of my clumsy hands. So I was pretty wet.

"Looks like little Marcel has peed his pants." I heard a familiar voice snicker.

I whirled around, protesting, "But only my shirt's wet"

I felt something hit my stomach and instantly cool, icy water ran down my stomach and to my legs.

"I don't know about that now," The person laughed.

I looked up to see Sam with her eyes shining in mischief.





Note: Hehe water balloon fight! I love those! Anyways, comment your feelings on the whole chapter? Are you glad they've forgiven each other?
Once again, I apologize for not replying back to y'all on any social media website or app, I've been caught up with school!

WHO ALL HAS HEARD DIANA AND FALLEN IN LOVE WITH IT?! (For those of you that don't know, its a leaked song by 1D. It was leaked today)

I honestly have so many pictures of the boys so.... --------->

Someone made me a trailer! It's to the side also --------->

Guess the song for a dedication: "Her name is Noel. I have a dream about her. She rings my bell. I got gym class in half an hour." <3 Gah I love that song.


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