Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Dedication to @ILiveInTheValley because she won the contest.

Shoutout to XeniaHoran4 and her story Beside You! She's really amazing and honestly deserves more readers on her story :)

One more thing, please don't get mad at me for the short chapter. It's better than nothing.

Read the author's note at the bottom for the results between Sam & Marcel OR Sam & Louis!




















Louis' POV:
Sparks flew and perfect was an understatement for the kiss.

Sam's POV:
I yawned and stretched my sore muscles. Every morning, I woke up sore for absolutely no reason. My eyes opened and adjusted to the light in seconds. I looked around and remembered where I was. My head was on Louis' chest and our limbs were intwined. What had happened to me last night?

What about Marcel?

I sighed and ran a hand through my messy hair. I was stuck between my newfound love, Marcel and my best friend.

What will I do?

I sat up and Louis stirred in his sleep. I peered at him. Soft snores were coming from him. I sat there for a while thinking what to do. Then I decided to get up. As soon as I was getting up, I felt a strong grip on my wrist.

"Don't go yet." Louis said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"But-" I started to say, but Louis cut me off by saying, "Please."
I looked at his gorgeous azure eyes that were full of pleading.

I laid down beside him again and as soon as I did, his vanilla scent consumed me. I felt a small tug at my hair and realized he was playing with a strand of my hair. I smiled. I felt so serene, at peace.

I looked at Louis' face and my eyes traveled to his plump, pink lips that I had kissed last night. I had felt something in the kiss, but I have to admit, I didn't as many butterflies like I did with Marcel.

"Thanks for saving me yesterday. You're my hero." I said slowly and pecked his lips. His eyes fluttered open and he wrapped his arms around me in response.

"SUPERMAAAAN!" He screamed in my ear and I jumped and fell on the ground with a loud thud.

"You really shouldn't shout this early in the morning." I grumbled and rubbed my butt. Louis shrugged and snuggled up with his pillow. Well now his soft side was gone and he was back to hyper Louis.

I got up and reached for my phone which was on the table. I turned it on and saw missed calls from mum. I mean I had texted her that I was with Louis, but I guess she wasn't satisfied with just a text.

"Well Louis I guess I have to go now." I said and looked for my things.

"Noooo." He whined, elongating the word.

I heard the creaking of the leather couch as he got up and I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"Louis let me go." I said trying to wiggle out of strong grasp. He placed a small kiss on the side of my neck. Another one on my jaw. Pleasure shot throughout me.

"Lou-u" I said, his name escaping my lips unknowingly. He turned me around so I was facing him. He stepped towards me and backed me to a nearby wall.

"Sam I need you." He whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my earlobe. Happiness flowed through me. I really didn't believe he actually said that, because I used to have a big crush on him in middle school. Lots of thoughts swirled in my mind. One thought traveled across clearly to the center.


What about all those times we had? All the sweet, but short, memories we had. I know I had ruined all of that, by hurting him, but I didn't want to give up. I had fell for him in a way, I hadn't before for any guy. The school nerd... Who knew?

"I can't." I said to him, confidently. I took a few steps backwards, creating some distance between us.

"Why? I know you don't have a boyfriend now, so what's the problem?" He asked, his voice rising with every word. He had never risen his voice at me.

"I-I just can't." I said trying to get my voice not to crack.

"Fine. I'm tired of this. I gave you a chance Sam." Louis said shaking his head and walking away.

"Louis please." I called out after him, but he didn't turn back around. I heard the door of his room slam loudly and I knew I couldn't say anything to him now. His anger would blow away soon. I just didn't want our friendship to get in the way of this. I really didn't. It wasn't worth our stupid feelings. I mean those feelings come and go.

I slowly gathered my stuff and trudged out of the door. I guess I was going to take the bus home. I looked down at myself. I probably looked like some bum, in Louis' big clothes. I had no option now.

I walked down Louis' hallway and passed the doors of the college boys. The elevator was at the end of the hallway. It still read "out of service" in sloppy handwriting. I grunted and looked at the long flight of stairs. I quickly hopped down them and put my hands on my knees to regain my breath when I reached the bottom. I wasn't the most sporty girl in the world. I heard a low wolf whistle and I looked up to see four boys. They were actually the boys looking at me, when I came earlier with Louis. One had dark shaggy hair with piercings covering his face. Another had a clean shaven head with tattoos on his arms, not even showing a single patch of skin. The one standing beside him, with his arm on the baldy's shoulder, had short brown hair and a sly smile. He didn't look like he had any tattoos or piercings. The last one, had shaggy brown hair and a few piercings on his face.

"What's a hot thing like you doing here this late at night?" The bald one asked me, his eyes gleaming. I tried to sidestep them and walk away, but I was blocked. All 4 of them surrounded me until I was enclosed into a circle. I looked around, with a horrified expression on my face. The one with the short brown hair and not any tattoos or piercings like his friends, smirked at me.

"It's morning you doofus." I said trying to stay strong. I was trapped. I was trying to be confident on the outside, but I was terrified on the inside. What would they do to me?

"Oh your a feisty one aren't you?" The baldy said stepping close towards me. His hot breath fanned my face as he came incredibly close to me. I clenched my teeth and tried to remain calm. I felt him touch my face with his pointer finger. He traced my face and cheekbones with the grown nail. The nail even scratched my skin. The scent of him reached my nostrils. It was bad mixture of cheap cologne and cigarette smoke.

"Boys grab her and take her to the van." Baldy ordered the other guys. Looks like he was the leader. Some of the other guys laughed evilly and beamed at me, like a children at Christmas morning. I felt them grab my arms and I squirmed in their strong grasp.

"No you can't do this!" I protested.

"Somebody shut her up. Do I have to tell you morons everything?" Baldy said to the boys while cleaning his teeth with his fingernail. Gross.

I felt someone wrap a piece of red cloth over my mouth. I tried to shout to them, but my words came out muffled and unheard. The one with the black shaggy hair and piercings was holding me. A small plan formulated in my brain as he dragged me to wherever their van was.

My plan came in action when I started pointing wildly to something completely random. The black-haired guy surely was distracted. This was my chance...
I stepped on his foot as hard as I could.

"Ow! What the fuck!" He said muttering some colorful words and releasing me to examine his foot. I quickly untied the cloth from my mouth and looked for a route of escape.

"Not so fast princess." The one with the brown shaggy hair with piercings said. I kneed him in his private area when he came to grab me. Then I didn't look back and just ran.

I heard their shouts calling after me, as I ran down the street. Nobody was really in sight, because it was like 5 in the morning. Just my luck.

I kept running and then I thought I saw some familiar signs. I heard them still following me and I could tell they were coming closer. Now they were angry and angry isn't good.

What have I gotten myself into and more importantly how am I going to get away from them?










Note: Did you guys expect that? I know I definitely didn't! I was just writing & it just happened. Comment your feelings!

Poll results: Sarcel (Sam and Marcel) won! With 138- 57. Sorry Souis shippers! 28 of you were saying both or were confused and 2 of you even shipped Marcel and Louis together! Hahahahah.

Guess the song for  a dedication:

"Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh oh

Things you never say to me, oh, oh

Tell me that you've had enough

Of our love, our love"


Love you guys so muchhhh!,


(Vote if you want to see what happens)

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