Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

JustANobody728 got the dedication for guessing the song right first! It was Wings by Little Mix

Y'all are going to like Chapter 19 c;     

I know the stranger is pretty obvious in this chapter... Sorry.














Sam's POV:
I saw....

Our eyes were locked in each other as seconds ticked by. We didn't talk; we didn't move. Neither of us knew the right thing to say, so we just stared into each other's eyes. His eyes were like a sea green abyss. I could get completely lost in them. So deep and full of emotions. It funny how I can always read him. Usually when I read stories about people noticing other people's emotions by their eyes, I don't think it's real. I've tried to read my mom, Ferdy, Phoebe and Ethan, but it never worked. I guess what happens is, that you have to find a person who understands you perfectly.
Marcel was that person for me.

"Don't think I've forgiven you." Marcel said breaking our trance. He got up from his seat and walked to the register. I watched him fish out his wallet from his dark skinny jean's back pocket. He ran a hand through his perfectly styled hair while waiting for the girl behind the counter to give him his change. She stared at him as he put the money away. He had kept his new look and now was being noticed by everybody. Without a second glance, he walked out of the small coffee shop.

(The next day)

I trudged down the hallway of my school. My bag felt heavy on my shoulder and I groaned while putting it down on the dirty floor. I twisted my locker lock to all the numbers in my combination. I heard a click as the locker opened. I grabbed everything I needed and put it in my book bag. I had English next. My favorite class of the day.

I walked nervously to English. I heard the chatter of kids around me. I accidentally bumped into some junior, but they just ignored me and walked away. Now that I noticed, nobody was really paying attention to me. Because I was popular, usually, everybody's heads would be turned, looking at me.

"Hey you look really pretty today." I said to this girl that was an old friend of mine. She was hanging out by her locker with some friends. I was surprised as she look past me like she had heard a ghost or something.

"Ashley" I said waving my hand in front of her eyes. This time she did notice. She sent me a sad smile before closing her locker and walking past me. Well that was strange...

"Hey Ashton!" I said to this guy I was friends with. He was like the class clown of our grade and just plain hilarious. He hung out with us all the time. I watched him tense up for a second before resuming talking to his friend. What was going on here? Why was everybody ignoring me?
Had I done something so horrific? Was the dare really that bad?

I shook my head and turned into another hallway in which the class was on. I stopped in my tracks, abruptly, as I stared at the sight before me. Marcel and Grace snogging.

I felt tears brim at my eyes and it felt like my heart was being clawed out. Their lips moved in perfect sync and I watched as Marcel's hands traveled to her hips. A hammer pounded on my glass-like heart, shattering it into pieces that were irreparable. An escaped sob could be heard by people around me, but nobody noticed. I felt invisible. I walked past my two ex-friends trying to not fall apart. Marcel's eyes grew wide once he saw me, but I saw that he kissed her deeper. I covered my mouth with my hand and ran down the hall to the bathroom where I cried my heart out.


"What's wrong, Sam? You've been acting all sad lately." Ferdy asked as I entered our house. I was glad that the worst day of school was finally over.

"Nothing." I mumbled and took a seat on my purple beanbag chair. I ran a hand through my hair and put it into a large bun that sat on top of my head lazily.

"C'mon you can tell me. I'm your brother." Ferdy said and I watched him pause his video game. He looked at me with a concerned look on his face. He pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose and reminded me of Marcel. I wonder...

"Ferdy, do you ever get bullied at school?" I asked him remembering how he was unnaturally smart for his age. I watched as he grew uncomfortable. He played with his video game controller in his hand, nervously.

"Why do you care?" He asked quietly. I got up from my beanbag chair and took a seat beside him on our brown, leather couch. I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him into an embrace. He accepted the hug and I heard him silently sob.

"Shh" I whispered and patted his back, trying to soothe him.

"Tell me Ferdy." I ordered, not harshly.

"Promise me you won't tell mom?" He squeaked out.

"I won't tell her." I promised.

"Th-they... It's almost every d-day." He stuttered and kept his face in my shirt. I was shocked at his words. Why hadn't ever noticed before? The way he never had any friends over or went out anywhere? My little brother was being bullied almost everyday and I had to do something about it.

I didn't have to ask him more, because I already knew a lot about bullying now. Because Marcel told me. He told me all the times when he was pushed into a locker or hit somewhere. It wasn't the physical abuse that bothered him, though. It was the verbal. The  horrible things people called the sweet boy. He didn't even do anything to them and there were people always ready to abuse him. Bullying is such a cruel thing.

(Please never bully someone guys. It is so wrong & you may think it's funny to do at the moment and your friends will like it, but it's not right. Do you know how much it will hurt the victim?)

"I'm going to talk to your principal tomorrow." I told Ferdy and he jerked his head from my shirt and shook it.

"No you can't do that! They'll know it's me that told on them and then they'll bully me more." He whisper-shouted at me and shook his head frantically.

"I'll tell the principal not to take quick action. Just trust me. I'll fix this." I said smiling weakly and kissing him on top of his head. I quickly scrambled off the couch and walked into my room before I could get too emotional.
We had to fight this.

Note: So that was kind of sad/meaningful.. Idk. Comment your feelings everybody! I love to see y'all's feedback.
Somebody make me a coverrrr? I want one with a unique Marcel picture. Like one that hasn't been used often.

Guess the song for a dedication: "Baby you a song, you make me wanna...."


(Vote if you want Marcel to forgive her)

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