Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Since you guys have been super supportive, just message me if you want a shoutout. The first 5 people that message me will get one. :)

Shoutout to @YouRBeyoutiful! She's really funny & nice! She deserves more followers and readers than she has. Go follow her! <3

Dedication to @maria812002 for guessing the song right first!

But the picture to the right----->

Sam's POV:
I skipped on over to the door and I felt a cool burst of air once I opened it. Standing there was a teenage boy with brown hair and azure eyes. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and he did the same.
“I’m looking for-” He said but I cut him off by running to him, screaming “Louuuuuuu!”, and pulling him into a big hug. I had recognized him by his accent. Louis Tomlinson had been my best friend before he moved away 5 years ago. We hadn’t really stayed in contact, but I got a text from him every now and then.
I put my arms around his neck as I hugged him and he said, “Sam?” I nodded and mumbled along his chest, ”I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too!” He said and I smiled and pecked him on the cheek. He blushed. I had a thing for him when he was here, but I never told him. I think secretly he knew. Now he was incredibly fit...
“You look so different!” He said grinning.
“Good different or bad?” I asked looking into Louis’ eyes.
They were shining in mischief as he said, “A bad different.” He shrugged and got out of my grasp and ran inside, because he knew I was about to kill him. I ran after him and screamed his name at the top of my lungs. I laughed to myself, because this was just like old times. He was the same old Louis.
I saw him hugging my mom when I found him. He high-fived Ferdy and his eyes grew wide when he saw me. He quickly ran away from my mom and I followed him, running.
“Louis watch out! She has killer nails now” Ferdy shouted after him.
“Shut up Ferdinand.” I screamed to him.
I ran down the hallway and he wasn’t there. I slowed down and walked on my tip toes.
“Louie. Come out, come out, wherever you are.” I whispered, teasing.
I suddenly felt a large hand on my mouth and somebody pull me into pitch darkness. I was pushed to a wall and I squirmed from the person’s grasp. The person flicked on the lights, and it was no other than Louis. We were in my room.
Louis slid his arms on my waist. “Definitely a good different. ” Louis said nodding his head and then placing his warm lips on my neck. I let out a gasp as he started leaving a trail of kisses from my neck to my jawline. I moaned and whispered his name repeatedly. He let his tongue do all the work and pleasure shot throughout my body. I put my arms around his neck and tried to pull him closer. Then reality dawned on me. I had a boyfriend. Ethan. This wasn’t right. First Marcel and now this? I was such a bad girlfriend.
“Lo-Louis. I can’t do this.” I said pulling back. He looked at me in confusion.
“Why? I know you used to have a crush on me Sam.” He said. My cheeks turned a scarlet color.
“I have a boyfriend...”  I said and I watched his face fall.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself, seeing you after all these years.” He said awkwardly.
“It’s okay.” I said and the room grew quiet.
“Can I ask you something?” I said fumbling with my fingers.
“Uh sure.” He said.
“Did you like me back then?” I asked.
“No. You didn’t even have any boobs.” He said grinning mischievously. I punched his shoulder and he winced. What? I have a mean punch.
“I was a late bloomer.” I said pouting, offended a little. I huffed and turned around, so my back was facing him. I crossed my arms on my chest and pretended I was angry.
“I was just kidding Sam.” He said trying to cheer me up.
He turned me around, and said, “I did like you. A lot.”  I smiled and he smiled too.
“So we've got to catch up.” I said and he nodded his head.
“Shit! I’m late for school!” I said, realizing what time it was. I ran out of my room.


“Hey babe.” Ethan said to me as I walked into my homeroom. Luckily, I ran and wasn't marked tardy. Louis was here with his mum and sisters and I would get to talk to them after school.
“Hey" I said and guilt spread throughout me by just seeing him. I took my usual seat beside him.

"So how's the dare going?" He asked, smirking.

"Umm. Pretty good..." I said. Why did he care so much about this?

"Does he think you like him, yet?" Ethan asked.

"Um I dunno." I mumbled and tried to look away from his strong gaze. I wish we could talk about something else.

"Ethan?" I asked. I had to ask him something.

"Yeah?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You don't care that I'm hanging out with another guy all the time?" I asked. He should definitely care since I'm his girlfriend.

"Hold on a sec." He said completely ignoring me and looking at something on his phone and laughing. I rolled my eyes and slouched in my seat. Pretty soon the bell rung and I left to go to my next class. Ethan had completely avoided my question.


I headed to my usual spot in the lunch room. I sat in between Phoebe and Grace today, because I didn't want to put up with Ethan. This isn't how a relationship should be, right? Relationships are supposed to be genuine. I'm not even sure I love Ethan anymore!

"So how's the dare going?" Phoebe whispered in my ear. I groaned loudly.

"What?" She asked, looking at me weirdly.

"Why does everybody have to talk about this?" I asked, sighing.

"Don't you know?" Phoebe asked.

"Know what?" I said scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.


Note: Ahh cliffhanger ;) This was kind of like a filler chapter, but hey what would we do without fillers?

Guys I just want to say the amount of reads and votes I have gotten is phenomenal! I can't thank you guys enough<3

Vote/Comment/Promote? I read everybody's comments and try to reply to all of them :)

Guess the song for a dedication:

"I got my ticket for the long way round
Two bottles of whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow
What do you say?"

Luff yew guys,

(Vote if you wanna know what Phoebe says)

The Dare (Marcel/ Harry Styles FanFic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu