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We kinda got kicked out of the restaurant we went to because Cameron decided to throw some spaghetti at me and let's just say, we left the cleaners a lot to clean up. At least we gave them a job to do.

"Well, what do we do now?" Taylor asks. He was so lost because we had nothing to do. We were just walking around on the beach.

"Who has the biggest house out of you guys?" I say.

"Taylor." They all say.

"Where's the closest grocery store?"

"Just at the end of the street. Why? What are you planning." Mo says.

"Let's go and get food and candy and rent out scary movies and watch them at Taylors cause his house is supposedly the biggest."

"What do you mean 'supposedly'? It's got a pool and four space garage and 2 lounge areas-"

"Yeah yeah whatever let's go I'm hungry."

"We just had lunch."

"No, you guys had lunch and Cameron decided to throw the rest of his food at me." I glare at Cam who's laughing. I pick up some sand and throw it him. Before he could chase after me I shout 'SEE YALL AT THE STORE!" I run down the street and find a Walmart. I run inside and go to the candy isle.

Some of those and some of that. Ice cream, chips, chocolate and more ice cream. There is 10 of us.

I go to the check out and see Cameron who's covered in sand and with Ethan and Aaron. I put a pair sun glasses on and keep a low profile.

The girl didn't pack the grocery bag even though I asked her to. I had to do it myself.

As I was putting the ice cream in the bag, it slipped out of my hand and made it splatter all over the floor and on my legs.

"Fudgeballs." I whisper.

"There she is." I look up and see the boys coming for me. I throw some money on the counter and quickly pack the rest of the bag. They get closer and I try to run past them but Cameron grabs me and puts me over his shoulder.

"At least I don't have to walk." I mumble. He carries me all the way to Taylor's place. On the way we passes some fans and they were wondering why Cam wouldn't let go of me to take pictures.

"Because if I let her go then she'll run away or hit me." Was always his answer. I don't think that was the answer.

"Are we there yet?" I whine.

"You're not even walking." Daniel says.

"Yes but lying like this on a persons shoulder is not very comfortable."

"Well you shouldn't have thrown sand at me which got into my eyes."

"Well then you shouldn't have thrown spaghetti at me then I wouldn't be hungry and wouldn't have thrown sand at you. Do you see that on the ground? It's a rainbow with a smiley face." I giggle.

"Dude I think the blood is getting to her head." Tay says. Cam whispers something and laughs.

"I couldn't hear you Camwon." I giggle again. He takes away my food, carries me bridal style and starts to run.

I start to get scared. I then feel a gush of water and I go under.

I go to the top, climb out and couldn't breathe. I fall onto the concrete and everyone crowds around me.

"Blair are you okay?" Mo panics. I start coughing.

"SHE MUSTVE SWALLOWED SOME WATER!" Taylor shouted and backed everyone away.  "It's okay I know CPR." I trusted Taylor at this moment. Before I could see him do anything, everything slowly faded into nothing but darkness.


I flutter my eyes open and see I'm laying on a bed next to Cameron who's slightly snoring. Just because of what happened earlier I push him off the bed. I heard a crash and a weird squeal.

"Ouch what the hell?" He sits up and looks at me.

"That's for earlier. I could've died you dumbass." He gets back on the bed and I try to push him off again but he took a hold of me. I fell off the bed and pulled him down with me.

How is it that I always end up like this with boys?

"This is cosy." Cam says and chuckles.

"Please don't get to comfortable old guy."

"I'm not old. I'm only turning 22. I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT IM FEELING TWENTY TWO!" He sings and I hit him to tell him to shut up.

"You're still old." I push him off me and run out the door before he could chase after me. I walk down a hallway until I find everyone crashed out amongst the couches and three small mattresses on the floor. I check the time.


I run back to Cameron.

"Do you have a camera?" I ask. He nods. "Get it out. We're making a video."

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