Twenty Six

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We ended up getting subway because I didn't know any other restaurants around here and even though the food looked so delicious, Nash wanted to leave it for the last night as another date.

"How are we gonna sneak Koda into the hotel?" I say as I pick up my new puppy.

"Leave it to me." He runs inside the hotel leaving me outside, in the dark. I waited a few minutes just playing around with Koda. He was so cute.

"Hello again." I say as Nash comes running back out. He was holding a backpack and handed it to me. "I'm not putting him in a backpack."

"Well I didn't plan this through. I was going to get him to be sent up to LA but the owners wouldn't let him fly on the plane so, this was the perfect chance. Just come on." I look at Koda with a sad look. He tilts his head at me.

"Fine but we're running okay." I pick Koda up and place him inside the bag. He was on top of a small blanket. He whines a little and at this point I feel so bad for him.

"Alright ready?" I zip the bag up leaving a small gap at the top. Nash pulls me up and we run inside to the elevator. As soon as we get in, I open the bag a little more until Kodas head pops out. I kiss his little head and he licks my face.

"I can't believe we snuck a dog into a hotel."

"We're true Rebels."

"APART OF THE REBELLION!" I shout and the doors open and I run out with my arm up. Rebel.

"Blair rooms this way."

"My room is that way? Wait I'm confused." I point left and right.

"Mahogany is still out and you don't have a key remember. My room is down here." I mentally face palm.

"That makes sense now." He shakes his head and grabs my hand. "How much is room service?"

"Isn't it free?"

"Gimme your card. Which room is yours." He hands me the card and it has a 164 on it. I run down the hall to his room and open the door. I take Koda out and he immediately jumps on the bed next to me.

"Blair wha-" I stop Nash from speaking.

"Hello room service?"

"Hi how may we help you?"

"Could you please bring up a large Hawaiian Pizza, a large cheeseburger and fries with a bottle of Coke, a small bag of chocolate chip cookies and...." I look up at Nash who takes the menu. I hand him the phone.

"The steak cooked medium rare with salad and eggs. A Pepsi. Thank you. Room 164. Byeee."

"Free food. Not going to turn that down." I say.

"Want to watch a movie while we eat?" I nod and he puts Netflix on the big flat screen TV. Hotels these days are like mansion rooms. If that made sense.


It was 1am and we were both hyper from all the food we ate. We finished everything and ordered more. Turns out, Koda loves fries. He was passed out on the little couch thing.

"I have a joke okay ready." Nash says sitting up. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?" He starts giggling.


"Isabel who?" He giggles again making me giggle.

"Isabella ringing?" We burst out laughing even though the joke wasn't that funny.

"Hey Nash." I say all serious.

"What?" We start giggling.

"I don't want to Taco bout it." I lift up the taco wrapper and burst out laughing.

"That was a good one." We roll around on the floor amongst the food wrappers, dying at our stupidity. As we keep laughing, someone comes in.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? We can hear you from down the hall." I look up and see Cameron and Taylor.

"Guys I don't want to taco bout it." I say. Nash and I laugh even harder.

"You guys are idiots. Perfect for each other." They shake their heads and walk out. I roll over and roll on Nash.

"You're comfy." I lay my head on his chest and hear his heartbeat.

"You're squishy." He squeezes my arm which tickles.

"Nash, I'm glad you came to Texas to see me." I say whilst falling a sleep.

"I'm glad I came here to. I love spending time with you, you always make me smile." I make a small smile but he couldn't see. I close my eyes but before I fully fall a sleep I hear him say "I love you Blair."

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