Forty seven

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I awoke in a bed in a dark room and next to me in the bed was someone.

Please don't let me have been kidnapped. Please don't let me have been kidnapped.

I poke the person and they groan. I jump off the bed and something squeals.

"KODA OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!" I pick my puppy up and start patting him and he licks my face.

"Blair you're finally up." They turn the lamp on and I look up at them.

"Oh Nash it's only you. I thought me and Koda were kidnapped."

"Why would someone kidnap a puppy and a girl?"

"I don't know and hey I'm not a girl I'm a young woman." He laughs a little and I hop back on the bed. "So what happened?"

"I carried you out of the airport and you wouldn't let go of me last night until like 12 and so I just stayed because it was dark and I didn't want to wake anyone up."

"Well that explains it. I'm hungry." I get up and wonder around this place looking for a kitchen.

"Morning Blair." I scream a little because I wasn't expecting someone else up.

"Oh my god. Cameron what the heck?" I hold my chest and take a deep breath.

"Sorry. Ou get scared really easily." He starts laughing. I give him the death glare and he clears his throat. "Anyways, I'm guessing you're looking for the kitchen?"

"No." He gives me a look. "Okay fine how'd you know?"

"Why else would you be up unless you want food?"

"You know me to well Dallas."

"That way." He points down a hallway and I run to it. I look around and it was glorious. There was food in all the cupboards and in the fridge.

"THERES EVEN A SNACK BAR!" I say looking in the little fridge filled with chocolates and goody treats. I take some chocolate and stuff it in my mouth.

"Don't eat everything Blair." I turn around and see Nash standing in the doorway, arms folded and laughing at me.

"Whoops?" I manage to say even though my mouth was full.

"You gonna share?" I shake my head and finish eating the tasty treat.

"Not today." I run past him with more chocolate in my hands. "CAMERON CATCH!" I throw him the chocolate and run around looking back to see if Nash was chasing me and he was.

"Blair stop running. I don't have any energy." I turn back and poke my tongue at him. I find some stairs and decide to go up them. I find a small opening so I crawl through it. "Where the hell did you go?" I cover my mouth so I don't laugh.

"Nash who are you looking for?" I heard Taylor now.

"Blair, obviously."

"No one came up here."

"I saw her with my own two eyes. She threw the chocolate at Cameron and then ran up here and she just disappeared. Is she a magician?" Yes Nash, I'm magic.

"Bro calm down. She'll be around here somewhere." I watch as they both look around the place. I could only see their feet and neither of them were coming near me.

"Seriously where did she go?" Nash says. Again I held my hands against my mouth to stop from laughing.

They talked for a little longer and Aaron came out and Cameron came up the stairs.

"OKAY BLAIR COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!" They all shout. I start giggling a little and they don't hear me.

I felt something crawling on me. I just figured it was hair so I ignored it. It started to tickle on my left shoulder so I pulled all my hair to my right but the tickling wouldn't go away. I reached for my phone and turned it on and shone the little light on my left shoulder.

"HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT!" I screamed and crawled out of the hole as quick as possible. I jumped into someone's arms and the spider fell off me. "FUCKING KILL IT HOLY SHIT ITS GONNA KILL ME!"

"Calm down Blair." I look up and see I'm in Cameron's arms.

"Is that a tarantula?"

"Oh cool it is." It started crawling towards me and Cam.

"ITS GOING TO FUCKING BITE ME." I jumped out of his arms and ran downstairs and saw Mahogany making coffee.

"What's all the commotion upstairs?"

"Spider. Me. Die." I feel like I'm about to faint. I do not mess with spiders.

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