Thirty eight

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We moved from wherever we were in Chicago to Springfield. I got really excited because I was hoping The Simpsons house would be here.

We had another concert tonight and all I really wanted to do was sleep. After this concert then we go somewhere else and then go to another state. This was so tiring.


We got into the hotel and everything and then left straight away to go wherever we were singing. I wasn't as excited or nervous for this concert than I was last night. That girl really got on my nerves and scared me. What if I get more threats like that and what if they actually happen. That could be dangerous.

"Blair come on we're going on stage now." I snap out of my thoughts and walk to the middle of the stage with Shawn. The screaming and crying were twice as loud as last night. Usually I love people who are hype and all but not tonight. I felt a little uneasy.

"Shawn I can't." I whisper to him.

"Come on they came here for us to sing to them. We've got to give them what they want." He holds my hand to comfort me. A few 'awes' come out of the crowd but I was still very paranoid. "Hey guys how are we all? Thank you all for being here and I hope you enjoy what we have in store for you!" Even more screams echoed around the place.

Shawn started playing his guitar but I couldn't really hear anything. I looked from left to right and everything was in slow motion. The girls in the front who were jumping up and down, were jumping very slow. The screams sounded like roars. My hands started getting sweaty and my heart started pounding really fast.

"Shawn." I only faintly whisper. It must've been through the microphone as well because it echoed. The screams got louder and louder and echoed through my head. I started screaming and fell to the ground.


Someone was playing with my hair. I opened my eyes and saw Mahogany. She smiled once she saw that I was awake.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?"

"Like I just got into a bad fight or something. I hurt everywhere."

"You fell off the stage and like 50 girls trampled on you. I'm not surprised you don't feel like that."

"What happened?"

"According to the doctors, you had an anxiety attack. You've been sleeping for the past 22 hours and I came here as fast as I could. I don't think it was a good idea to go on tour with Shawn. I heard you got threatened as well." I just nod.

"When can I get out of here?"

"Very soon. The doctors just need to clear thin fa up, make sure you're okay and I need to sign some things and then we can leave. We can go straight home and you can have a break for a while or something. It's all up to you, I just want you to feel better." She kisses my forehead and leaves to go talk to the doctors.

I just wanted to sleep all my problems away.

Only if that were possible.

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