Twenty Three

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I roll over in my bed and look at the time. 2:53am.

I haven't been able to sleep all night.

Mahogany on the other hand. She's definitely been able to sleep all night long. Nothing would have interrupted her snoring session.

I start to get really bored so I chuck on a blue jumper, put my white converse on and just decide to wonder around the hotel. I go down to the bottom floor where I see Aaron at the vending machine.

"Can't sleep either?" He jumps as I say that.

"Oh my gosh you scared me." He holds his heart and takes a deep breath. I just laugh.


"Yeah I cannot sleep at all. Taylor will not stop snoring. I would throw a pillow at him and he won't even notice."

"Same with Mahogany. I didn't even know she snores."

"Wait, Mahogany snores?" We laugh and just decide to go up to the roof. I find small little vent things which were kind of comfy to sit on.

"Candy?" Aaron offers.

"Thanks." I take the red liquorice and relax.

"So what's it like back in Australia?"

"Well where I lived, it was a small town. Mainly farms but wasn't far from the city. Maybe 20, 30 minutes. The reception wasn't to good but it wasn't bad either. If it rained then the TV would stop working so we'd go outside and ride the horses or have mud fights. It's like living in the cavemen times when the TV stops working." He laughs.

"Well I want to go to that part of Australia then."
I come up with a brilliant idea.

"We should ask Bart if we can make magcon tour international. Then we can literally travel the world and meet our fans!"

"So I'm not the only one who has great thoughts at 2 am." He laughs.

"Well I'm going to forget it in the morning. Which room is Barts?"

"308." I grab his hand and we run down to his room and rapidly knock.

"What what?"

"Okay Bart we know it's early but we couldn't sleep and we have had candy but I don't know about Aaron but I'm hyper and so I came up with a good idea that we make magcon tour international because we have so many fans all around the world and sometimes they come to America just so that they can meet their idols. So, why not go to them instead? Is that a great idea or is that a great idea?"

"I'll think about it." He says and then closes the door.

"Wow. What a party pooper. Come on I need more candy." I go to walk to the elevator to take me down but Aaron pulls me back.

"No no no no Blair I think you've had enough sugar for the night. Let's get you some water and then you can sleep."

"But but the candy is calling me. Can't you hear it? 'Blair, Blair. Come and buy me and eat my sugary goodness.' Aaron I'd rather listen to the candy."

"You're so weird." He laughs.

"Thank you. How much is the liquorice?"

"Let's go."

"That's not a price." He rolls his eyes and drags me to a room.

"Carter can swap rooms with me cause he can actually handle Taylor." He opens the door which had an awaken Cameron and Carter.


"Aaron did you give her candy?" Cam says. I giggle and jump on the bed.

"Maybe." Cam shakes his head while I jump on his bed.

"Blair calm yourself." Carter says. He goes to grab me but I jump on to his neatly made bed.

"Haha you need to remake your bed." I think we were playing a game. They'd try to grab me and I'd jump to the next bed. I got tired so I just fell onto a bed. I think it was Camerons.

"Have you stopped?"

"Mmhm." I close my eyes.

"Oh thank god. She's like an 18 year old child."

"Yeah but, least she has imagination and can have fun." I giggle slightly but I got to tired to finish my laugh.

"Thanks for the bed whoevers bed this is." I say. Before anyone could say anything my eyes were closed and I drifted off to sleep.

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