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"Mahogany I want to go home." I say as we drive back to her house.

"We're almost there."

"No. Home home." I think about my mum and sister and everyone back in Australia. "I don't belong here."

"How about, when we get back to my place we can Skype Aunty Di and we can sort everything out from there." I just nod and silently cry.

We get inside and I go straight to my bedroom to get my laptop and Koda. He was still fast a sleep on my pillow. I pick him up and we go into the lounge where we Skype my mum.

"Hey sweetie, is everything alright?"

"Mummy I want to come home."

"What's happened sweetie? Mahogany?" I hand the laptop to Mahogany and she explains everything while I wake Koda up. He licks my hand and snuggles up to me.

"Oh my gosh Blair honey I am so sorry that happened. Boys like that just should not exist." She keeps talking to me for a while until I have to decide if I actually do want to go back or not.

"Can I have a couple more weeks to sort it out? I need to live past this because things like this always happen. It's going to happen in the future as well. That's the thing about boys and girls, that's just what they do."

"My little girl is growing up so fast." My mum wipes a fake tear and I laugh a little. "Well you tell me when you want to come home so I can book you a flight back here okay sweetie? I love you Blair and I love you Mahogany, it was nice talking to you again. I'm glad you're both okay as well."

"Bye." We all say together. She hangs up and I put my laptop away.

"Well what should we do now?" She asks.

"Wanna go to the fair with the boys? I could use some friends right now."

"Sure. That sounds like a great plan." She calls the boys and I fix myself up. I finish getting ready and make sure Koda has food and water. I kiss his head and we leave.


"I can't believe Nash did that to you Blair. That's so messed up." They all give me a group hug once I tell them what happened. I felt so cared for.

"Thanks guys. But forget about all that, we're here to have fun aren't we?" I tried to sound more positive so I didn't make them all sad.

"Yeah come on. Who wants to go on the roller coaster with me!?" Carter says. We all decide to go on it with him.

I sat next to Taylor and he seemed nervous for some reason. He hasn't acted like this before.

"You okay Tay?" I ask him.

"Ah y- uh yes." He stumbles on his words. I giggle at him.

"Are you nervous because of the ride?" He just looks up at me and looks down and blushes a little.

"Yeah." His voice sounded shaky.

"Wow Taylor Caniff, scared of a little roller coaster?"

"Shut up Blair. It's not my fault I watched Final Destination last night."

"That movie is so stupid. Do you actually believe it?" He nods. The ride starts and we jerk forward. He shuts his eyes tight and I laugh. "Aw does wittle Tawor wanna hold my hand?" I tease him. I held my hand out in front of me and he squeezes it.

"If I die tonight, Blair tell my family I love them and tell my babies I love them and make sure that my babies o to my friend Noah."

"You mean your cars?"

"No my babies." I start laughing and we go down a huge drop. My guts got left at the top of the ride but I just couldn't help but laugh the entire ride. It finally comes to a stop and look over at Taylor who is pale as a ghost.

"You okay there?"

"I just saw my entire life flash before my eyes. I might've even seen god reaching out for me. Am I alive."

"No Taylor we all died. Don't you remember?" He looks at me petrified. He goes to poke me but I move back a little.

"OH MY GOD YOURE A GHOST!" He runs off the ride and I burst out laughing.

"Blair what did you do?" Mahogany raises an eyebrow at me.

"He was scared on the ride and he said his entire life flashed before his eyes and asked if we were alive and I told him no and he thinks I'm a ghost. Did you hear him scream though? He sounded like a girl." I had to take a seat somewhere so I could catch my breath from laughing.

"Okay okay that was pretty funny but I think the poor boy is going to have nightmares now." Mahogany starts laughing as well.

"Well I better go and find him before he terrorises some kids or something." I get up and start skipping around the place to find Taylor.

The next thing I know I'm tackled to the ground.

"What the heck get off me!"

"OH MY GOD BLAIR YOURE ALIVE!" I get a better look at the person and notice the blue bandana as Taylor's.

"Yes I'm alive Taylor. Now come o-" he stops me speaking and replaces my words with a kiss.

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