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preston 🔥: hey there baby

rob 🌸: Oh huy htre presotn

preston 🔥: rob?? are you okay ?

rob 🌸: yegs I'm grr88888. Hoe arenyou?

preston 🔥: are you drunk right now?

rob 🌸: Dirnk enouh to know I wamma pin somone against a wall and makr out w em.

preston 🔥: rob,, go lay down.

rob 🌸: Nahhhhh !! ur not mo dsd

preston 🔥: rob.

rob 🌸: Hwut ?

preston 🔥: go. lay. the. frick. down.

rob 🌸: Sorry buffy u csnt im st a bar

preston 🔥: can't you like ?? call someone to pick you up ?? i'm worried.

rob 🌸: Hng i ocilf go csll lachaln

preston 🔥: lachlan?

rob 🌸: lsclan My Botfirnd

preston 🔥: ,,, oh.

preston 🔥: go call him then. i want you home safe.

rob 🌸: Ok. i hopr u are oksy Presotn I cstee for you a lor.

Read at 9:38 P.M.

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