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preston 🔥: you wanna know the truth rob?

rob 🌺: Please. I do. What's wrong?

preston 🔥: the whole truth?

preston 🔥: and nothing but it?

rob 🌺: Please

preston 🔥: im in love with you.

preston 🔥: the way you clutch that blue scarf like its a blanket and youre a child. the way your eyes light up when you see some flowers. the way you get excited when you get ready for work in the mornin. youre perfect. goddamn beautiful. i love you so fucking much.

preston 🔥: i apologize if you don't feel the same way. why would you?

rob 🌺: I love you too.

preston 🔥: really?

rob 🌺: really.

Read at 6:56 P.M

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