thirty eight

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with shaky hands, he pulled into his lovers drive. turning the radio off, a smile formed on his face as preston came into view. he opened the passenger door, a excited chirp of "hello!" leaving him.

rob smiled gently, "hey babyboy."

prestons cheeks tinted pink, leaving a soft kiss on the elders lips. "hi robby."

a comfortable silence fell between them and preston turned to the window, eyes filled with wonder as the outside world blurred into different colors.

preston reached over, flicking the radio on with a push of a button. gentle music flowed through and preston began to hum along, singing the familiar lyrics of ruth b's lost boy. rob glanced at him with adoring eyes, a smile on his face.

preston was beautiful to him, even with the scars from the accident and more. he was a firefly that deserved to shine. with his eyes that glowed with excitement at the smallest things, his smile and happiness could light up the room. rob was generally and truly in love with preston blaine arsement, and he wanted to be with him until the end.

preston glanced over, cheeks tinting pink as rob mumbled a soft "i love you."

"love you too."

they arrived at their destination, rob stopping his car and shutting it down. prestons eyes flickered with a confused but excited emotions, hopping out and waiting for rob to lock the door.

"the park?"

"figured we could watch the stars. it is pretty warm."

preston nodded, and slipped his hand into the others. a happy sigh leaving him. rob walked him to a bench, sitting by the other. he watched the other as his eyes reflected the sky.

"hey, preston?" the brunette stood infront of preston, fiddling with his pocket.

"i wanted to say something."

preston nodded, smiling gently.

"i love you so much, and i didn't really prepare a speech so here i go."

rob responded next by getting down on one knee, and pulling out the ring that had been burning a hole in his pocket.

"will you marry me?"

prestons hand flew to his mouth, a gasp leaving him. he began to stumble on his words, but as rob stood the smaller flung his arms around him and a small squeak of "yes" and "of course" was his agreement.

rob broke out into a grin, leaving a chaste kiss on the others lips.

"i love you."

"love you too robby."


the two epilogues will be released either tomorrow or the next
gun hands

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