Chapter One: A (very) Reluctant Love Interest

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         Avery looked up from her book. She could've sworn she had heard something. She took a quick look around the compartment she was currently alone in. Seeing nothing unusual, she went back to reading her novel, while tightening her grip on her wand in her pocket. Suddenly, there was an creepy feeling in the empty compartment she sat in. Her friends, Jessica and Albus, had gone to change into their school robes; they should've been back by now. Avery had dismissed the thought until now, but now she noticed how quiet the train was, despite the other packed compartments packed with children ready to return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Avery's attention was drawn away from her book yet again by the sound of the soft click of the door handle moving slowly. A look of realization dawned on Avery's face as she ducked down just in time to avoid her face meeting a small brown sphere being hurled into her compartment, leaving dirt residue on the seats and all over her book, while simultaneously letting off a putrid odor in the compartment.

"Evanesco!" Avery yelled, with a flick of her wand she caused the dungbomb to vanish. "Getting predictable, are we, Potter?" She asked in an irritated voice, but unable to keep some amusement from leaking through as she inspected her now ruined book. It was a good one too, the Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare. Pity.

"It was about time you got your nose out of those books anyway."

"Maybe if you picked one up once in a while, you would learn a thing or two, like how not to be an arrogant prat." Avery retorted. She looked up when she heard that familiar laugh ring throughout the compartment and was immediately frozen in place, trapped by two azure blue orbs staring amusedly at her. No. Of course he just HAD to change over summer. How could three months be that kind towards someone? There was no doubt that James Potter had always been a somewhat decent looking male specimen, after all he was deemed Hogwarts' current heartthrob and self-proclaimed playboy, but Avery usually was unaffected, even deterred(or so she seemed), from his looks. Now, his features were more defined and chiseled; his hair had grown shaggier and more untamed, making his cerulean eyes contrast even more with his midnight black hair; His build was also slightly less lanky than it had been last year, more taut and muscular, probably from practicing quidditch over the summer. Streaks of Avery's hair started changing from her usual dirty blonde hair to a soft pink and her face started to heat up when she realized she was staring, so she quickly averted her gaze to the floor. Merlin, she wanted to hit him. And not hit him at the same time. It was...complicated, to say the least. He had picked on her since first year, the minute she had walked onto the great oak doors of Hogwarts.

Avery had known something was wrong before she even looked up. She had an uncanny ability to sense danger, but usually it wasn't until it was too late. This was one of those times. One second, she was lining up to get sorted, and the next she was covered in peanut butter. Yeah, peanut butter, I mean who does that? She looked across the hall towards the boy who look like he was about to pee himself from laughing so hard. Avery fumed, her hair turning red, too furious to get any words out? The fact that people were murmuring about her metamorphagus powers made it all the worse. Right as she was about to let an out a stream of carefully selected words, an extremely short girl led her away to change her robes.

"I'm sorry," the short girl said as she casted a spell to rid it of the peanut butter, "But, hey, at least you aren't allergic." She said trying to lighten the mood.

Avery smiled and said, "It's not like it's your fault. And thank you so much."

"I'm Jessica Wood by the way, first year. You have such a cool accent."

"Thanks? It's American. I'm Avery Winchester, first year." She responded, "You wouldn't happen to know who that boy was would you?"

Jessica rolled her eyes before answering,"That's James Potter, prankster extraordinaire." She said in mock awe, "The one who has students and teachers on edge and a horde of fangirls at his beck and call." She giggled.

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