The Americans (and Bulgarians) Have Arrived

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Update: There was just this little reference I made in this chapter to a character I just added a name to in chapter 2, her name is Britanny and I am so sorry if that is your name, seriously I love you guys and I don't want to offend you guys. You can ignore this bold stuff from here: I am so sorry I haven't updated I feel like a despicable human being!! And also I am sorry this story is going a bit slow, I PROMISE it shall get better as the story goes on, I just REALLY suck at intros! Anyways, I loves you guyys!!-Alex<3

The entire school was abuzz. Today was the day the other schools competing in the tournament were due to arrive. It was fairly obvious that no one, not even the teachers, were truly paying attention to the lessons, making the day stretch out. The day seemed especially long to Avery. As excited as she was to see the students from Durmstrang and Salem, she was dreading tonight's supper for many reasons: one, they weren't going to serve chocolate pudding tonight; two, Albus would probably be even more furious at them once they started accepting names for the Tournament; three, after tonight, James would able to put his name in the Goblet. And there was absolutely nothing Avery could do to stop him.

At first, Avery thought of trying to talk Albus into convincing James to not enter, but seeing as she couldn't even talk him out of finding a way to help him enter underage and still wasn't talking to her, she quickly dismissed the idea. Then she even contemplated trying to talk him out of it herself, but couldn't think of any reasons that he would actually listen to. Or, at least not any she liked. So it was safe to say she had made absolutely no progress.

Jessica barged into their room and threw a pillow at Avery from her bed. "Come on you inactive sloth, it's tiiiiime!! Let's go there are FOREIGNERS coming!" She said excitedly before pulling Avery off the bed.

"Wait, how did you get in the Gryffindor House? How did you even get up the stairs without them caving in?"

"Rose let me up and frankly, Lionheart isn't the hardest password to figure out."

"You damn Ravenclaws."

"Oh please, It's like the Slytherins having Pureblood as thier password. Now come on we're going to miss it!"

Avery groaned, "Fine, let's get this over with."

"Oh come on, there'll be Americans there. Maybe you'll know someone." Jessica said in a sing song voice as she started to drag Avery to the Great Hall.

"Wait, wait, why would I know someone?"

"Well...they're're American.." Jessica said shyly.

"...So I take it you know the queen?" Avery asked.

"...Point taken."

"Ravenclaw, my arse." Avery scoffed.

"Hey, in my defense-" Jessica's insulted voice died out when she spotted Albus who was walking to the Great Hall with some of his friends. You could literally feel the awkwardness in the air when they both looked at each other. She tried waving, but Albus merely walked on, not even turning around to look back at the pair.

"Okay, so maybe Albus won't get over it in a week." Avery said

"You think?" Jessica said dejectedly.

Avery tried distracting her, "Hey, I'll meet you after dinner okay? We can go practice quidditch!!"

"Yessh!!," Jessica perked up at the mention of quidditch, "Perhaps we can ask the Gryffindor team captain for some pointers?.." She asked slyly.

Avery glared,"Please shut up."

"Oh, look, it has manners." Jessica said in mock surprise. Avery laughed as she shoved her to her table,"Just go sit down, child.

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