Yule Ball: Dates Dresses and Drama Oh My! Pt.1

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Avery breathed in the crisp morning air of the Qudditch Pitch. It was an ungodly hour in the morning, which meant no other team would dream of being up this early on a Saturday, leaving the Pitch available for use. With the help of his new co-captain, James had been enforcing more practices to prepare for the big match against Ravenclaw that was scheduled to take place a week after the Yule Ball, much to the other Gryffindor's dismay. Today, however, James had left Avery in charge, claiming he ad other things to attend to, and, though Avery wanted this victory as much as he did (if not more so), she decided to cut practice short in his absence.

"Okay, everyone, great work today. Go hit the locker rooms. And let's keep this from James, there's no sense in causing him even more stress during a time like this, is there?" The team simultaneously agreed and let out a cheer of approval before gliding down to the ground and dismounting their brooms.

While Avery was packing up the the equipment, a shadow was creeping quietly up behind her. It wasn't until she turned around she noticed.

"Boo!" Jessica yelled. Avery kept her stoic face, causing Jessica to groan, "Man, why are you so hard to scare?!"

"Have you considered the possibility that you are just bad at scaring?"

"...Shut up..."

"What are you doing here anyway, I thought we were going to meet Lily by the Whomping Willow at the shortcut."

"Just checking out the competition."

"Cheater." Avery scoffed.

"There is no such thing in Quidditch. I am simply being resourceful." Jessica said indignantly.

"Well try being resourceful in an empty field, I need to go change."

"Okey dokes, I'll wait here. Is it okay if I use your broom, I promise I will probably won't break it."

"Sure, but if you do break it, I'll break you."

"I don't doubt it." Jessica laughed as Avery sauntered off.

When she had finally made it to the changing room, Lily was already chatting with a couple of other teammates, "So, do you have your dress for the Yule Ball picked out?"

"Yeah, I went last week to Gladrag's, they have awesome dresses!"

"Ooh, I still need to go get mine, I have barely had any free time lately. What about you, Aves?"

Avery snorted, "I have better things to do with my time than spend hours dying on the inside."

"So that's a no. We're going. Like now." Lily's tone of voice left no room for argument as she dragged her out of the changing room and went outside to meet Jessica.

"But I don't want to waste a precious day of freedom."

"We were going to go anyway, no one else has chosen theirs either. C'mon, I promise it won't be too bad."

"Just so you know, I am wearing converse." Avery warned Lily.

"But, Averyyyyyy-"

"Nope, it's either dress with converse or so help me I will show up dressed in a Dory costume."

"...What's a 'Dory' costume?"

"Finding Nemo? You know, that Disney movie about fish." Jessica asked.

Lily simply stared at her blankly. "I don't watch many muggle movies, both of my parents are wizards!"

"You had no childhood," Jessica said scornfully, "It's official, we're going to have to watch it sometime. You are not getting out of this."

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