Chapter Two: Problems Arise. Huge Problems

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As soon as Avery, Jessica , and Albus split up to go to their separate tables, Avery sat next to her dorm mate, Lily Potter. Lily was the sweetest, most adorable person you would ever meet who rarely showed her fiery temper and was loved by everyone who knew her. She was a close friend of Avery, despite the differences in age and had been rooming with Avery since her first year. However, Lily was heavily guarded by both of her older brothers which gave James an excuse to be around Avery. As usual. So it was only natural for him to find the two Gryffindors within minutes.

"Potter, take it off before I break it off..." Avery said, referring to the arm that found its way around her shoulders.

James made no move to remove his arm, but he scooted closer to her until his face was only inches from hers. "You know, no matter how much you threaten my well being, I know you know we are meant to be together." He said in an uncharacteristically serious voice while staring intently into her eyes with his deep blue ones.

Avery sputtered, nearly choking on air,"W-what?" Lily giggled as she saw the shocked look on Avery's face, resembling that of a goldfish.

"To put it simply, you must be a horcrux, because you hold a piece of my soul." He said cheekily, using that lopsided smile of his. A collection of awwws could be heard from the girls nearby who were swooning at James while simultaneously glaring at Avery.

Avery cursed her hair as it turned a bright shade of crimson. She said, "Oh please, like you have a soul."

"Hey, it's my sister who's the ginger!" Avery actually laughed when she saw Lily's face morph into one of indignation.

"So how about a date?" James asked,"Just one and I'll leave you alone for a week. Probably. "

"How about you walk off the dock into the Black Lake while I count to one thousand?"

He was about to respond, but then a high pitched voice called his name. As expected, it was another one of his worshippers, Brittany.

"Gotta go, my fans need me. Think about it, Ree!" He winked before returning to his seat.

"You know, there is one thing I will never figure out."

Avery turned around, looking quizzically at Lily. "And that would be?.."

"You are so... Different from the girls he usually takes an interest in." She said with a thoughtful look on her face," I thought he would've given up on you ages ago, when you first turned him down, but he didn't. It's almost like he-" she was interrupted as Headmaster Neville stood in the golden podium in front of the Great Hall, silently commanding the attention of everyone.

"Welcome back and I hope you will enjoy another year at Hogwarts. Before we eat, I have a few announcements to make. I have finally selected the Quidditch Captains for this year. The Slytherin team captain will be Makenzie Finnegan; the Hufflepuff team Captain will be Liam Abott; Ravenclaw's captain shall be Jessica Wood; and lastly, for Gryffindor, James Potter.'' Oh my merlin. Avery's mouth just about hit the floor. No, no no nope this was not happening. Looking around, she saw several people patting James on the back and congratulating him. Well damn, so she wasn't hallucinating. Of course he would be the team captain. Now she had to try out with him as her judge and even if she did make it, she would have to deal with him during practice and do what he says without question. That thought is too horrifying to even fathom.

The Headmaster cleared his throat loudly to regain get the students' attention. "Also, students, some of you may be familiar about an event that took place a few years ago at Hogwarts. We hosted a very distinguished competition here at Hogwarts many years ago. A quest for eternal glory and fame, only to be achieved by those who are deemed worthy. It was canceled, unfortunately, by the death of one of the former champions. After further consideration over the past few years, the Ministry of Magic has decided to attempt to host the this event in hopes of making it an annual event."

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