A Day in the Snow

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With nearly everyone off on the early winter vacation this year, due to the Yule Ball, Avery had the perfect peace and quiet in the common room to start her book. Or she did until...

"I swear, every time I see you, you're reading." James said as he walked down the stairs of the Boys' Dormitory and saw Avery on the couch of the Common Room.

"I'm bored." Avery justified, not looking away from her book.

"Well, how about some quality James time? I hear it's good for the soul."

Avery rolled her eyes and continued reading. James dramatically and raised his hand to his forehead like a damsel in distress, "Wow, I really thought our new co-captain would want a look at the plays I have planned out for the Ravenclaw match, but I guess not. Oh, is there no one who will double check them with me to make sure there not filled with mistakes or worse...grammatical errors?"

"Just sit your butt down and give me the playbook."

"I knew you'd come around, love." James said as he sat next to her on the couch and spread the papers and playbook on the coffee table, "Well to start, I think we should put Robinson and Phillips closer to the right side Defense while Ferguson goes down the middle on offense."

"No, no, no, you're underestimating their chasers, if we space our chasers out more evenly, and keep the beaters farther outside, they'll be able to cover more ground and have more of a chance to intercept or block the chasers and keep them from scoring too much."

"But then you'll have too much ground to cover."

"Are you underestimating my skills as a beater?" Avery asked jokingly.

"Only if you are underestimating my skills as a keeper?" James

"So thou are implying that, you flapdragon; I have a stronger arm than you give me credit for. Have at thee!!" Avery said while punching him.

He playfully shoved her," I may be a flapdragon, though I have no idea what that is, Winchester, but I'm the only keeper you got. I don't think it'd do you much good for me to have a broken arm."

"Well, as the only keeper you need to handle the Seeker's strategy instead of salvaging his pride while I work of the chasers'." She said while handing him the playbook.

"I'm sure Lily has it all under control." He said nonchalantly.

Avery looked at him dubiously,''She nearly ran into three stands last time and managed to collide with almost every single player. And the ref."

"Yeah, maybe I should focus on her line of attack." He said as he began to be absorbed in the Quidditch tactics.

After a few minutes of James tapping his foot to a silent beat, Avery looked over to ask him to stop, but began to stare at him. He had started subconsciously biting his lip in concentration and tracing his tattoo that he had received from the Cup marking him as a Champion which Lily had proclaimed would most likely be the least of his worries once his parents found out about their son being in the tournament. It was no wonder he had declined form going home for Winter Break before the Christmas. There were bags under his eyes making it obvious that the stress was getting to him, yet here he was, as bright and cheeky as ever, showing her the ropes of being a team captain. Ever since when she had agreed to be team captain, her and James had gotten along as if they had been friends for ages. He was smarter and kinder than she had given him credit for, but she still isn't sure how close she wants to get to him. She couldn't help but feel as if she was setting herself up to be hurt.

"Did you need something?" James asked, not looking up from his papers.

"Uhh, no, just blanked out I guess." Avery said, trying to fight off the crimson on her cheeks as she tried to focus on her papers. However, once again, her attention was drawn elsewhere. Avery stared out the window for several minutes, as if entranced, before James noticed.

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