A New Tattoo

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This week had been a little short of a living hell for Avery. Her best friends were still fighting, the teachers were assigning as much homework as they could cram in before the tournament started, and James had seemed especially high strung and intense during quidditch practices, probably due to the fact that both of his siblings were refusing to talk to him. It had made him especially irritable, causing him to harshly reprimand the team for every mistake they made.

So, usually, it would've been a great relief to have the end of lessons on Friday, except for the fact that today was the Choosing of the Champions Ceremony. So, Avery couldn't help but trudge to the Great Hall, contrasting greatly amongst the horde of students anxiously waiting to see what surprises the Cup has in store for the school.

Avery knew it wasn't normal to be this worried for James. I mean, sure everyone was vaguely worried, but confident he would get through the test and excited for the show he was sure to put on doing it. Still, Avery felt an enormous amount of dread as she saw the Goblet sitting on its pedestal, taunting her. The concern was for how it would affect Albus and Lily, of course, she reasoned, which wasn't completely false, seeing as the worry was already taking a toll on Lily. Though the siblings refused to talk to James, even Lily despite James using his ability as Quidditch Captain to issue orders, they would still sneak worried glances at him, as if they were expecting him to drop dead any minute. 

"What's with all the cameras?" Albus asked.

"I mean, it is the Triwizard tournament's 'grand reopening', so I guess there;s going to be some media coverage." Lily said, absentmindedly. 

Avery could see Lily stiffen and Albus scowl as the Representative for Ministry went up to speak, his voice entirely to peppy and cheerful for Avery's liking, "Students, I am very glad to welcome you to the Fourth Annual Triwizard Tournament!" This was met with cheers of excitement and approval from many students. "Ah, yes, the quest for Eternal fame and Glory, only given to three carefully chosen students to represent their school as the best of the best. The Cleverest of the Clever, the Bravest of the Brave, the Strongest of the Strong, the Dreamers and Visionaries." He paused for a second before continuing," Let us begin to choose our Champions!!"

The Flames of the Goblet suddenly turned red, sparks flying from the cup. A charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it. Professor Longbottom snatched it from the air and the entire room seemed to hold its breath, waiting to see who was chosen first.

"Tigerlily Jones, Salem's Institute for Witches."

Avery scanned around the hall for the Champion, and caught sight of the white-haired girl who had transfigured into a tiger during the arriving ceremony. She stood up calmly from the Hufflepuff table and glided up to the Front Table, looking so graceful and ethereal no one applauded until she stood still beside the Ministry Representative. After she came to a stop, everyone started cheering for the new competitor, especially the Americans and Hufflepuffs.

Everyone's attention was drawn away from her when the Goblet's flames once again turned red and another scrap of charred parchment fluttered down into Professor Longbottom's hand.

"Dimitri Aleksandrov, Durmstrang's Institute of Magic."

All the Durmstrang students started cheering loudly, joined by most of the Slytherins and Gryffindors, along with the other houses. Dimitri looked ecstatic, but still scanned the crowd until he found Avery and shot her an apologetic and sheepish look. Avery merely gave him an encouraging smile and nod and shaking her head at his fist pump. He finally made his way through the throng of Durmstrang students congratulating him and stood at the front to stand by Tigerlily. He grinned at her and held his hand out to her, which she shook with an almost out-of-place friendly and bright grin on her face.

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