Well, My Job Just Got A Whole Lot Harder

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I am so so so so sorry my lovlies for taking so long, I've been having issues and projects and this chapter isn't satisfying to me, so I'm going to try to post the next one as soon as possible!! I love you all!!

The entire way back, Rose teased Avery about Dimitri, who was joined by Jessica. Apparently, she had seen Avery's pink hair and 'deer caught in the headlights' look from across the Hall.

"Did you see the way he was looking at you?! I swear, I've never seen anything so cute in my life!" Rose gushed as she spazzed out about the Bulgarian.

"He was looking at me like I was a person. Nothing new there. Besides, you can't possibly fancy someone within 20 mintes of meeting them." Avery pointed out.

"Oh, come on, let a girl dream."

"Avery has a point," Jessica said," She and this Dameon guy will never have the chemistry that her and a certain Gryffindor I shall not name has."

Avery rolled her eyes,"It's Dimitri, and frankly, at this point, he's winning."

"Oh, please, Team James all the way. I'm making you guys shirts."

Rose giggled, "Well, now that you mention it-"

"I will make Scorose t-shirts." Avery threatened.

"Okay, consider the idea abandoned.'' Rose said quickly as they turned the corner before the portrait to the Ravenclaw Common Room.

"See you tomorrow!" Jessica said as she turned to hear her entrance riddle.

"Goodnight!" The girls responded before walking through dozens of halls and staircases to their common room.

As soon as Avery and Rose walked through the Portrait hole, they could hear the sound of two voices yelling from the Girls' Dormitory. They started walking up the stair's, Avery praying for herself to be wrong as the sound got louder and louder with each step. When Avery reached her dorm, she silently pleaded with Rose. "Oh hell no, your roommate, your problem." Avery hesitated as she heard Lily yell from inside her dorm, "It's madness!"

"You're overreacting, it's just a tournament! I thought you would be supportive of me, I am a Gryffindor, afterall!"

"No, do not use that excuse on me James Sirius Potter, there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!"
Avery breathed before she opened the door and said,"You do have to admit, though, they often go hand-in-hand for Gryffindors."

"See, even Ree agrees with me." James said triumphantly.

"Woah, woah, woah. I agreed to no such thing. At least tell me what I am agreeing to, but honestly, I suspect I am going to end up agreeing with Lils." Avery said, plopping down on her bed.

"Weeeelll," Lily said between gritted teeth, "This genius here thinks it's a fabulous idea to enter the Triwizard Tournament along with every other suicidal wizard at this school. "

"I know what I'm doing Lily! I can see why you're worried, but I am a seventh year and if the Ministry thinks the tournament is for for seventh years that give me every right to enter." Seeing Lily and Avery's unconvinced faces, he continued, "I'll be fine, this is what being a Gryffindors is about, showing courage in the face danger."

"Yup, I knew it, Potter, listen to your sister, this isn't bravery, it's stupidity."

"I'm the great James Potter, what is the worse that could happen?" He said, jokingly.

"I'm being serious James, you remembered what happened to dad. He said it was one of the most terrifying experiences of his life. He would flip if he found out they were holding another tournament here! James, someone DIED, that fact just doesn't go away because you want it to."

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