{Obi-Wan} Sand

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This is for @Ms_Random_Girl

I hope you enjoy!

Obi didn't know what hit him. He should've know that his girlfriend and his padawan would prank him. The two best pranksters he has ever meet, it was the worst idea he had yet.

It started as small things, like coloring his hair blue or his clothes turning deep red, but this is the worst. Sand everywhere, every cranny filled to the brim with sand.  The two of you were just sitting there on sand chairs, like nothing has happened, with glasses filled with soda along with little umbrella straws. Sunglasses perched on the tip of your noses.

"Hello Master." Anakin says, smiling hugely.

"What in the world happened here?" Obi asks, eyes wide.

"It's beach day!" You say, giggling.

"IN MY ROOM!" He exclaims.

Just then Master Windu walks in, he rolls his eyes.

"You two better run." Windo says, and you do.

You guys weren't found till two weeks later.


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