Hello My Dears!

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Hi.... It's been a while.... Sorry? 

Well, my dears let me explain what's been going on in my life right at this moment, and then I can get to some good news? (YAY!) Well, I don't actually know when the last I updated this story, but I know it's been a few years. 

So first things first I through some bad stuff when I was about 13, and that really just killed my mental health. I have horrible depression, and terrible anxiety because of what happened, to help myself I wrote, anything that I really liked and loved, so pretty much fan fiction. Two years later, I stopped because my depression drowned me. I lost interest in things I loved to write, reading, and pretty much everything.  So I stopped writing here, everywhere. Not even on my Google docs has new stuff.  At that time, I became a 14-year-old caretaker of my mom, and sister, which both are disabled, and need constant care all the time.  I missed school, (so much school) and I finally got the help I needed when my brother moved it. It was nice, but I still wasn't mentally all there and still struggled. I hit high school, and at the end of my sophomore year, I had to move. Which, I didn't want to but had too. So happy I did, so happy. I've met wonderful people, and have such supportive friends that I still talk too. I had to move after about a year from that happy place, and it sucked. But now I see a therapist, every week and I've built my self back up. And I decided recently to just kick my depression and anxiety away.  I've been in this funk for years, and I'm done. I want to be happy. I want goodness in my life.  I want to get married. But, I can't do it unless I make it leave.  So here I am, at the age of 19 wanting to live my life the way I want too. 

I want people to know that being happy isn't that far. You can build yourself up, and start again. 

I also want to bring awareness to those people that have to be young caregiver. I was a young caregiver, that also had crippling depression with it. I wouldn't change my experience for the world, and would do it again. The only thing I wished I had, was more support. So support each other in anything, and don't tear each other down. Please. 

On the best note, I will be coming back to this story! Hopefully there was cheering, but things will be a little different this time around. I will update when I can, and if I can. I'm still taking care of my mom, and my sister, so my days are super busy.  I might make it every two weeks I try to update. So if it doesn't happen every two weeks, don't get mad please! I'm trying my best, but that always doesn't work out for me. So please be respectful. I also might revise some of my older stuff, and give it a new upgrade or two. 

Thanks for reading this whole message! Please be kind to each other, and don't hate. I do love you all, and thanks for making it over 50,000 reads! It makes me so happy that it's gotten this far.  I didn't think this would get even a hundred reads when I first started. All of you are amazing! 



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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